
Is this my end?

I wonder where he will sleep?

I slowly rubbed my eyes yawning while I try to sit straight for a minute I forgot that I was in his room as soon as my senses returned my eyes started to wonder attempting to find him only to see him curled up in the sofa, I felt bad as he looked cold and no doubt it was freezing last night I slowly grabbed my wet clothes and covered him up with the blanket and slowly walked out 

I was still in his clothes I slowly opened the room that I was sharing with stacey and just kept the clothes I was holding and soon left the room ...after wandering and exploring the place I heard my stomach growling begging for food soo well instinctively I went to where they were serving breakfast but to my luck found all my classmates.

It was a buffet system soo I grabbed my plate and added some food but when I headed to sit with them 'hey why won't you sit with your boyfriend...ha! did he find you boring and lost his interest after spending time with you?? And look at that she is in HIS! clothes are you a slut or what?!''

I didn't respond and walked out were there where tables near the poolside soo I sat there alone eating, I just wanted to get over this stupid trip well you are asking me why I even joined.....I was forced to come just to please stacey and satisfy her bullying instincts....she just walked straight upto my mom and begged my mom to send me playing the bestfriend role~soo my mom just pushed...I can't just tell her I am being bullied for all stress she has I don't want to add more...speaking of the devil she is calling me I pick it up it was a videocall she asked me to show the place around 'honey, why are you sitting alone...where are your friends?!'  before I could makeup a reason I heard a plate clink to the table as I turn my head and also my phone without realizing 'oh! who is this beautiful miss I see right now?' the one and only who all are expecting to come asked looking into my phone. my mom blushed through the phone before she realized 'isn't he the guy all over your room and also in your pho-' mom I go-gotta go call you later..I could feel his smirk slowly grow over his face..'did I hear it right ?!' he said it in a teasing way which made me not want to admit that i'm his biggest fan 'huh who said soo no....my mom has mistaken you for someone else'  I said stuttering and blushing between the lines..'Is that so?!' he said not believing me one bit. his phone was buzzing 'I gotta answer this'he said before excusing himself.

I got up to place my plate back inside...I felt a push and before I knew it I lost my balance and was in the water....the only problem right now is that I don't know how to swim!!.. I was begging them, jumping and lifting my arms to keep myself up no one ....I mean no one was ready to help me all just stood and watch me slowly drown 'come on just paddle your legs you can do that much atleast even dogs know how to swim come on...I'm getting impatient...stop acting like a drama queen'  why am I supposed to hear such word even when i'm about to die..my only hope now was to scream his name hoping he would come help me and I did but nothing I slowly let my body drown as I gave up, tears where flowing down and no one even cared to help..