
UA Festival pt 11: A phone call

It was coming down to the final fight. Kacchan was currently fighting Ibara who made it to the semifinal through what I guess is luck? If she got different pairings it would've sucked for her. Well its not like Kacchan was a very good pair for her anyway.

The thing I was most thinking about though was my fight with Kacchan. Honestly his explosions were a little hard for me to absorb. I could still do it, but I wouldn't do the same way I would for more continuous energy sources. It was similar to kinetic absorption actually, but well easier.

This meant Kacchan and me could have a truly interesting fight, or I could do something more evil. Kacchan watched each of the fights and had great reaction speed. He could likely dodge my beam attacks by using his explosions to push himself around. He could technically win if he could manage not straining himself and being careful. That is likely how Kacchan would fight too, he was a bit of a butt munch. Except he did have a seriousness that I could respect, like in his fight with Ochaco.

I could technically force a draw like Eijiro's fight with TetsuTetsu...Fuck man I swear if I talk to that guy in person I'm just calling him Tetsu. Other options are to make some game out of my fight with him. I could mimic his explosions sort of and beat him with my imitation attacks. I could see a few ways of how this would go.

I leaned back and sighed, Erin wasn't around. Everyone was in their own conversations... I didn't want to force myself into one of theirs just to talk about what I should do. As not only would that be rude, but it was way too. Braggish? It was certainly arrogant that's for sure. I would make my decision by the time I fought Kacchan. Except I was just sot of left with thinking to myself.

My phone rang and spooked me from my thoughts. I took it out and answered the call. I got up leaving to get somewhere more quiet...

-----Rumi pov-----

"Destiny! Good you answered on the first ring."

"Hey Rumi, why's it good? oh did you see the festival fights?"

I hadn't unfortunately, "Sorry Des, I couldn't some...Well Honestly I have no fucking clue what it was had took a while to handle."

"Damn, well luckily the UA festival is recorded. You likely would watch it anyway for looking for any prospective sidekicks."

I actually didn't... Honestly I likely wasn't gonna have Des join me on is internship either. God I feel like that would be a mess simply do to being unable to restrain myself. "Wait Des, that's not what the calls about. Monster I just fought had swept through Fukuoka. It escaped and I just wanted to warn you about it."

It was silent on the other-side of the phone and I had to wait for Destiny to respond. "Are you hurt Rumi?" It was cute that was his first question. "I'm fine nothing a break won't fix. My arm is dislocated and uhh..." I rubbed my now mangled ear.

"Well it tried to take a bite out of my ear. The reason I am warning you though is, well there's a few reason and I don't want to really say them over the phone though. Point is if you see it, report it. I know you got some freaky senses so."

There was a cheer from the crowd on the phone. Destiny was moving it seemed, "Rumi this doesn't seem like something you would tell me about. Or be urgent enough to call me to tell me about it. Are you really okay?"

I sighed, "Yes I am fine." I scratched the back of my head wondering how I was gonna explain this. "Destiny this creature changed as we fought it. It wasn't like your quirk, but it would want your quirk if you understand me."

Destiny went silent again. I couldn't out right tell him this. I was currently being watched by other heroes and police. They couldn't eavesdrop on me, but I was still worried about what to say. This was one of the few times I had to speak in well... not straight forward.

"I think I understand Rumi. This is a currently classified thing?"

"Got it in one kid. So make your own conclusions, because that's the best I can give you. I actually can't wait to see how this one is gonna be covered. Talk to you later Des." The phone went silent...

"Oh that little shit hung up." he didn't say anything else and just hung up on me, how can that boy be just so cute! Then be a fucking asshole... I would've like a I love you...

"Why are you over here pouting after your phone call?" I looked at Stephan. Still in his medical gear he was the 'healer on site'. "I don't want your healing fucker, anyway what do you want."

"Hey, Hey, I'm just doing my job. Was that your booooyfriend though?" I wanted to punch him. It wouldn't do anything though. Since for him his quirk felt perfectly normal. Honestly though no one ever wanted his healing, it felt like millions of bees stinging you and crawling into your injuries. Which wasn't far off from the truth.

He rolled his eyes at me, "I'm not gonna heal you, god. You know I only heal the severally injured....Alright fine, I won't ask for another date either. Seriously though who'd you call?"

I thought about.... i thought about it some more. "My kid, now fuck off Stephan."

"You're a MILF! Oh holy shit! I feel even more lovestruck." I punched Stephan in the nose and broke it getting up.

"Why don't you heal Emerald Hydra. He still has two broken legs." I sighed, I would need to make a report about how the creature changed. Not to mention a non-disclosure agreement. I kicked a piece of rubble. I hated paperwork.

-----So Stephan's quirk is in the author notes... Also is name is a pun so tell me if you figure out how it relates to his quirk. Emerald Hydra is the name of the telekinetic from the ??? chapter. Finally for Stephan I just felt like it would make sense that there would be more recovery and healing type quirks than just recovery girl. It also might turn into a small sub-plot, but not sure. (when I mean small btw I mean like a chapter and that's it.)-----

----7 - 7... Note of notes... Anywho I have other Original quirk concepts so they'll be entered like this^^^ They won't be like major events or anything, but like say during the Provisional Hero License Exam Arc a few kids will have the quirk ideas.-----

Stephan's quirk: Microdose: This quirk can be used to repair organic materials easily. through the user breaking their body into small insectoid like creatures they fix injuries and wounds quickly. However most have describe it as one of the worst feeling ever. The small insects are still apart of its user and can be used to harm him. Destorying them would result in him losing the body part he turned into the repair bugs. Finally his quirk can be used to mend more than just wounds. As long as the material is organic in nature he can repair clothes and tools as well.

ZeOwlcreators' thoughts