
UA Fesitval pt10: Well deserved

"You're late."

I waved to Midnight, "Sorry I got a tad distracted playing some games on my phone. I am here now though right?"

She rolled her eyes, I was only about a couple minutes late, but with a crowd that was a long time. Shoto had already sat at the arena and generally the lateness could be excused when the two people were talking. I however, obviously didn't have that excuse. Stepping onto the stage Midnight went on.

"Sorry for the wait everyone! Let's get started right away!"

As soon as Midnight finished Shoto sent a massive wave of ice towards me. Similar to the one he buried Sero with. It was a smart move to attack straight away, but the ice melted around me. I folded my arms and shook my head.

"So before I do anything else, let me ask you. Do you really not use your flames during battle?"

Shoto didn't respond to me and I stared at him. He relented though, "I do not use my flames in battle, I assume you want me to because I used them against Midoriya."

"Not really I just wanted to know if you actually handicap yourself like that. I mean its not like I use my full power, if I did I would just win to easily. I mean you smart, looking back at the whole you know you dropping a building on me using only one side of your quirk. Its good, pretty good. Except in this situation you can't win. So why are you here?"

He was clearly confused, so I pointed a finger at him. "Pew!" I beam shot from my finger going straight through his shoulder. He almost dropped from the pain of having a new hole in him, but he stayed standing.

"See what I mean? You can't use your ice as an offensive weapon against me. It just instantly melts, and even if you did use your flames I would just absorb them. Providing more heat and energy to melt your ice. So I want you to say it."

He looked at me with a pretty angry expression, no maybe not anger. It was resentment... I continued my speech, "I mean not to mention if you use to much of your ice you'll begin to freeze up right? The next problem in that is I can absorb the ambient heat and actually drop the temperature. You would freeze faster, there really is no winning for you."

He created another glacier to attack me with, but it moved a little funky, and I know he tired to sneak attack me. I was splashed with a small bit of water that evaporated off of me. "I guess your goals are pointless right? Even if you become stronger than Almight with only your ice, what's after that? You will remain half stagnate while those who you thought were weaker than you will end up ahead of you by leagues. You can't even beat Kacchan without your flames. So Shoto? How are you going to beat me."

It was stupid he thought he could do anything with just half of his quirk. I didn't care for Shoto, I thought he was an idiot. He was smart, except even now he acted like his father. Not just forfeiting the fight. That was his problem, he didn't want to be like his father. Except he had the exact same pride. Endeavor was the number 2 hero, but the guy wasn't well liked in popularity. People thought he was rude and prideful. I sighed, "if you don't do anything, I am just gonna put another hole in you."

I knew Shoto was trying to think of something. At any moment he should be thinking along the lines of fighting close range, instead of his aoe attacks. He froze over the arena, but a circled melted around me. As expect he skated towards me preparing what looked like some kind of icicle barrage?

"Pew!" this time I shot the beam from my eyes and it went into his leg. My accuracy with my eyes was actually a little harder than just pointing. It grazed his leg and melted the ice near him. He pressed on though launched yet another aoe. It was a close range one that made the ice spike towards me into a prison like sturcture. It was smart as it blocked my view of Shoto.

I turned and punched him in nose and slapped his hand away that was about to encase my head in ice. Which still wouldn't work, I rolled my eyes and slapped him away. "Give up, you are being stupid now."

"Fuck you, Fuck you and Midoriya. What right do you have to tell me how I should be using my quirk." I was shocked didn't expect him to curse. I nodded though he was right or half right.

"I don't get me wrong it is 100% smarter for you to only use your ice. The problem is you only use Aoe attacks. Sure you know how to use your ice as a structure like just now with blocking my view, but your ice here." I motioned melting it all quickly, "Its unstructured, its actually weaker than if you were to focus and make proper shapes with your ice." he glared at me, and I stared back.

"How so?" now we were getting somewhere, "You were trained by your dad right? The guy who only knows how to use fire? Now here you are using the opposite and your using it like fire."

Shoto straightened and looked at his hands. "Huh? `` I forfeit.`` "

----^^^^ " `` Example `` " Means to an audience in this case to Midnight-----

Shoto just limping off, He turned back though. "Even when I wasn't trying to use fire like him... I copied his methods. Thanks, actually... I need some time to think."

It seemed he had two different types of advice now. The lump of sincerity from Deku and my own. I really hope no one fan boys over him, because man he is just an oxymoron of tragedies. I looked at Midnight and shrugged. I felt bad for her, not only was I late. I had just bullied my opponent. Who honestly gave really good showcases of power.

Eh, if the heroes couldn't tell it was an unfair fight for him. They weren't very good heroes, besides he would still get plenty of offers.

-----So in life struggles, I am moving so this chapter might seem wonky. Hopefully it is fine and future chapters will be fine too. However I am moving across states, so I wrote this while packing and I didn't do my normal prewriting. Also this is my introduction to a bit of plot concept power scaling. Since you know, MC op and I don't want a complete overshadow. (Mc will give similar advice to people. Some times in mocking sometimes in actually help)------