
UA Festival pt 12: Winner?

Rumi's call was interesting. It seemed whatever the monster she fought had a similar quirk to my own. The ability to develop new skills and abilities. I assume how she talked about it though it made it sound unstable? The more general warning she gave though like meant the monster was hunting for quirks.

Rumi also said she was fine, but... I really had to wonder. I had a lot of thoughts and beliefs about heroes. A symbol of peace was good an all, but maybe it wasn't the best idea. Monsters would always occur, Villains would rise because of heroes, and generally people wanted to be the best. I sighed, broken from my thoughts by Kacchan.

"Hey you bastard! You talked to everyone else, yet you don't say a word to me?"

I looked at him, he was clearly prepared to launch towards me. "Nah you just have the best chance at beating me, well besides Deku. I'm not sure if a full power punch form him would knock me out of the arena..."

Kacchan seemed to think about it, "Yeah honestly that seems about right. If the others had some time to prepare and were given a good strategy maybe they could beat you. However that applies to me too, like that over rated A/C who challenged Deku instead of me. He would've lost in a contest of power."

I nodded, "Yeah I can see it, you would sweat more from fighting and his quirk would cool you down because of the ice. So you would be able to fight even longer. You have a very simple quirk, but the way it works is something nutty. Though I am still gonna win."

Kacchan smiled, "Hahahaha! Yeah right, the winner will be me fucker." I wanted to appear to be doing my best against Kacchan. I had a whole plan for this fight and I wanted it to be good. As soon as Midnight would call the begging I would attack with a massive wave of sound. Combined with a overcharged beam attack. Kacchan would have to stop his press forward to block or dodge.

He moved by far the fastest out of everyone exploding toward me with his hand stretched out. Following the plan I released my own attacks, Kacchan threw an explosive wave upward breaking the path of both my attacks. It had to wonder how he did that, but I had to dodge an explosion he aimed at my head.

I sent a kick to his stomach, but he was too good at that explosion flying bullshit. instead of anything special I released a huge impact of pure light. It was a flash bang without the bang. Grabbing Kacchan by his chest and I slammed him toward the ground. He grabbed my arms and actually burned me from his attack.

We had pushed away from each other checking our attacks. My arm wasn't badly burned and I was already healing from it. Kacchan was rubbing his eyes slightly, it seemed my flash was effective. This was my first time to try this, but... Cracking my neck and I focused on myself.

Reaching out I pressured the air with a wave of energy. The ground around me turned to slag, and the air began to vibrate. I was absorbing the sound while expelling it at the same time. Combined with the heat I could quickly vibrate the air and shake the whole arena. My own attack had made me sick to my stomach, Kacchan stumbled covering his ears.

I could see Midnight speak, but no sound could reach us. Present Mic was speaking and his voice projected into the area. I could feel blood drip from my nose, and see the blood from Kacchan's nose. As my attack continued it got worse and worse I could feel my whole body vibrating and at this point I had no idea what was happening anymore. I could see Kacchan drop to his knees, but I could feel my skin shake.

This was one of my many ideas for a ultimate attack and ultimate it was. Though it painful in a way I hadn't expected. I could see a purple mist, but what it was from I hadn't known. I couldn't stop yet, Kacchan resisted but I could see him grow more and more tired. The Arena around me began to crack apart and break. Finally Kacchan fell flat and I released the tension forming in my arm.

I sighed, at some point I had fallen to my knees as well. My back ached and I could barely hear Midnight speak. I had won, but man that really needed to be refined. Maybe I should test my other ultimate ideas before actually using them. On the bright side I showcased a really good array of abilities.

Midnight grabbed my shoulder and I realized I couldn't feel it. I blinked as I watched Kacchan slowly get up from the ground. Midnight spoke closer to me allowing me to actually make out what she was saying. "I hope you know you disqualified yourself."

That jolted my sense wide open, "What!? Why? I won! How am I disqualified?"

Midnight clicked her tongue and rubbed blood from her nose. I frowned, understanding why... I still wasn't happy about it. Fucking Shoto can freeze half the crowd. Oh but I give everyone nosebleeds and possible seizures and I get disqualified. All honesty I likely wasn't actually disqualified, the teacher's would come up with an actual conclusion afterward.

Midnight was just pissed because she tried to intervene and just caused Kacchan to be knocked out by her quirk while I remained perfectly fine. Ah yes, perfectly fine.

-----The disqualified thing is a joke, just in case that wasn't clear. I still wanted Kacchan to be chained and screaming, but obviously I didn't know how to set that up without either the MC forfeiting or something really stupid happens. Such as Midnight interfering despite the circumstances. Also 2 imaginary cookies for those who can name the scientific phenomenon in this chapter. Ironically this chapter was gonna be named UA Festival pt12: To be an Asshole, should it be renamed to the original? You decided.------