
My Friend is a Skiters

In this world, magical creatures are considered monsters, not more and not less. Misty, a 12-year-old girl who had grown to hate magical creatures, founded a Skiter known to be the strongest creature and was supposed to be extinct years ago. She found that there was something fishy about the part where magical creatures were considered "monsters". Will she find out about the truth? Find it out in "my friend is a Skiter" ********* Enjoy the book :D

Rexy_theCat · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter 10

Misty and the SKiter are walking down the dungeon's dark alley when they suddenly hear chaos coming from afar. Misty and the Skiter immediately walk faster to the source of the noise and when they get there, they found two 500+ years old fighting like a kid, and who are they if it's not Kyan and Jack. "I told you!! There's no hope of escaping!!" Kyan snapped, not realizing that Misty is there, "You're supposed to be the strongest creature ever walked on the damn EARTH!!" Jack snapped, louder than Kyan. They're so loud, none of them even realizes Misty was there, Misty that witnessed everything just face-palmed at the unimaginable fight she's seeing right now.

She sighs as the two keep fighting and the skiter beside her doesn't seem to even process what's happening in front of him right now. The Skiter then looks at Kyan, then Misty can hear that voice again. Yes, the Skiter talks again, "Kyan..." called the Skiter, Kyan was about to snap back at Jack when he hears the Skiter call him. He looks at the Skiter in shock, his jaw dropped as if he can't believe his eyes, "b-brother?" he stuttered, "Oh! So your brother is a cat?" Jack commented.

Kyan glares at Jack, giving Jack a death stare. Jack was a little... scared by this, he cleared his throat once and looked away. Kyan looks back at the Skiter and then at Misty, "You bring her with you?" Kyan asked, his face expressionless and as if the fight he had a few seconds ago had never happened. "No, I meet her on my way here" the Skiter answered coldly.

There is only silence for a moment before Kyan answered, "Dear brother, WHY?!" he answered and snapped a little. "KYAN THE SKITER!! YOU'RE 500 YEARS OLD!! YOU'RE NOT A KID!!!" snapped the Skiter this time, Misty and Jack just watch the fight in shock. Jack tries to interrupt the fight "So~... are we going to-", "SHUT UP!!" the two cuts Jack's word at the same time, no one is going to interrupt these two brothers' fight. Jack just nodded in fear, he's just a werewolf with two world's strongest creatures which is a Skiter.

Seeing Jack who doesn't even dare to talk, Misty just shut her mouth and watches in silence. If Jack the prince of werewolves doesn't even dare to talk to these two Skiters, what about her who's a human?! There's a slight chance that she'll die but there's a high chance Kyan will be angry at her, and she doesn't want that to happen. Misty and Jack watched in silence as the two brothers keep on fighting, Misty can see that Kyan pointed at his brother as he snapped through the bars of his cells, and Jay or Kyan's brother bite Kyan's arm without hesitation, and Misty can't process what happened next.

After a few minutes, the two brothers sulk, and there is only silence between them. "I'm surprised the guards didn't come here from all those noises" Misty commented, "oh they come here, three times in fact when we fight," Jack said, "I guess they're just tired of us fighting and started to ignore the noises" he continued. There was only silence for a few moments before Kyan asked Misty, "Why are you here?" Kyan asked coldly. Misty feels her body turns cold as if the night just becomes 10x colder than before. "I-I'm trying to safe you" Misty answered. Kyan didn't say anything for a moment, "go" Kyan then said, "What?" asked Misty.

"I said go, just go back to your little cottage! Go back home!" Kyan answered, snapping a little. Misty was shocked at Kyan snapping at her, her little heart broke a little. Jay didn't accept this kind of behavior from his brother, he frowned and hissed at Kyan, "What do you mean?! She comes this far to save you! You idiot!!" Jay snapped and hissed again. "oh, shut up!!" Kyan snapped back and wave his hand at Jay, making Jay disappear and turn into smoke. Kyan glares at Misty before sitting down in the left corner of the cell beside the cell bars.

Misty looked down at the ground, a little heartbroken while Jack pats her back, trying to calm her down with his ears pinned back, at least this werewolf still have a heart, not like the person sitting in the cell in front of them. Misty gathered her bravery and answered back, "Why?!" she snapped a little. Kyan who's also staring at the ground, glares back at her when she talked back at him. "'Why'?! Isn't it obvious?! There's no way to escape!" Kyan snapped.

"How do you know?!" Misty snapped back. Kyan stand up, how can there be a human in this world brave enough to fight a Skiter like him?! Kyan's pupils turn to slits as he grabs the bars of his cells and snapped back at Misty, "This is why you need to pay attention in CLASS!!" he snapped, Misty can see Kyan's sharp teeth when he snapped, "This castle and dungeons are made by two. STRONGEST. SKITERS!!" he continued, "and of course, who is it if it's not me and my brother" he said again, calming down a little but his eyes still shows anger and annoyance. "but have YOU tried to escape from it?!" Misty snapped back, she was a little scared but she tries to be brave.

Now Kyan was left stunned by Misty, she was right, he never tries to escape from it and he also never know if there ever anyone escape from the dungeons or not. He calmed down and sit back in the deepest corner of his cell which was hidden by shadows after giving Misty a bombastic side-eye. Misty just rolled her eyes, she then turn around at Jack who was leaning against the cold stone wall with his hand crossed in front of his chest and his eyes closed, acting cool. Jack then opened his eyes and looked at Misty, "hey there sugar, what do you want?" he flirts a little as he winks.

Misty sighed in annoyance, "Do you know where they keep the key? Since I guess Kyan's not gonna answer me if I ask him" Misty said, straight to the point. "hmm I wonder where~, can you guess?" Jack teases her, but then Jack senses a dark aura coming from somewhere. Jack sees through Misty's shoulder, and there it is, Kyan in his cell gives Jack a death stare as if telling him to stop teasing Misty. Jack immediately stopped his cool act and said, "I-It's just a joke, Misty! T-The key is guarded by the guard, he wears it as a necklace on his neck! I saw him go that way" Jack said as he pointed to a door at the end of the dark alley, "be careful tho, my little angel~" Jack winks again, and Misty just rolled her eyes before walking away towards the door.

Jack chuckles a little when he saw Misty's reaction and walks away before sensing a killing aura coming from Kyan, "C-Chill bro! I-It's just a joke!!" Jack said immediately, "Yes, just. a. joke." Kyan then said, his hands are grabbing into the cell bars as the cell bars slowly start to get crushed. Jack flinched a little, cleared his throat, and looks away, praying that he'll see the sunshine again tomorrow.