
My Friend is a Skiters

In this world, magical creatures are considered monsters, not more and not less. Misty, a 12-year-old girl who had grown to hate magical creatures, founded a Skiter known to be the strongest creature and was supposed to be extinct years ago. She found that there was something fishy about the part where magical creatures were considered "monsters". Will she find out about the truth? Find it out in "my friend is a Skiter" ********* Enjoy the book :D

Rexy_theCat · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 11

Misty is still walking toward the door at the end of the dark alley, her steps are light without making any sound. She reached the wooden door, crouched down, and peeked inside through the gap between the door and the floor. She can see the lights are on inside the room, but she can hear a loud snoring sound coming from the inside. She then pushed the door slowly, making a tiny gap, and took a peek.

Just as she thought, the guard was asleep in his office, and just like what Jack said, Misty could see the key dangling from the guard's neck like a necklace. Misty quietly sneaked inside the office and went closer to the big and scary guard who was sleeping right now. She reached out for the key and tried to grab it, she then carefully cut the thread that was holding onto the key and managed to grab the key without waking up the guard. She slowly sneaks out and tries to close the door as quietly as possible.

When the door is finally closed, she immediately rushes towards Kyan's and Jack's cell. Jack who's lost in his thoughts, snaps back to reality. When he realizes that Misty is back he can't help but wag his tail like a happy dog even tho he's a wolf. Kyan who seemed to be starting to fall asleep, flicked his tail a little as if saying that he realizes that Misty is back but he looks away from her, as if not wanting to meet her.

Misty didn't seem to even bother that and was ignoring Kyan too. "Now stay quiet, We need to be quick before the guard wakes up and realizes that the key is gone," she said, as she opened Jack's and Kyan's cell. When they are out, Kyan turns to his cat form, "Follow me" Kyan says without even looking at Misty or Jack. Kyan then rushes into the darkness, followed by the others.

They then arrived back at the castle halls only in minutes, Jack stretched as he took a deep breath. "Finally!! Some fresh air!!" Jack said happily, It's good to get out of that dungeon. "Shush" Kyan warned Jack as he continued walking, Kyan ordered with a flick of his tail for Misty and Jack to wait here as he checked if the coast was clear. "This is weird..." Kyan mumbles, "what's wrong?" asked Misty.

Kyan turned back into his Skiter form, Misty could see one of his ears flick, she couldn't help but chuckle. Kyan frowned a little when Misty chuckled, "Why are you laughing?" he asked, but not in an angry tone, more like he was trying to hold his laughter. "It's a chuckle" she verified, "Yeah, whatever you humans called them," Kyan said as he rolled his eyes. Kyan's expression then turned serious, "There's something... weird here as if something is missing," he said as if he was thinking, "but I can't tell what it is," he said.

There is only silence for a few moments. "Umm guys, I guess we need to go now," Jack said, breaking the eternal silence they've created(jk lol). Kyan then snapped back to reality and realized that he could hear some guards coming from afar, but of course, not all of them have sharp hearing like Kyan and Jack. "What's wrong?" Misty asked boldly, and without a warning, Kyan grabbed Misty by her wrist and dragged her into a closet. "Wait here until me or Jack come back, and don't make a sound!" Kyan immediately said before closing the closet.

Misty can hear some voices outside for a few seconds before everything goes silent and Jack opens the door. Misty looked over Jack's shoulder and saw Kyan with some body of guards, scattered all over the place. Misty flinched a little when she saw them, are they dead? This is the first question that pops up in her head, and Kyan seems to notice it, "It's okay, they're just sleeping" Kyan says, Misty looks relaxed a little. "What did you guys do to them?" Misty asked, and Jack chuckled, "Actually, Kyan does most of the work. There are more secrets that he hides, you know?" Jack answered.

Misty looked at Kyan, She could feel something from him, magic, stronger than she could imagine, Why are you hiding such powerful power, Kyan? Why? She asked herself, "Let's just go now, it's only a matter of time before a guard realizes that their friends suddenly went missing," he said. Kyan then grabs Misty and Jack by the wrist again and drags them towards the window, and without a warning jumps down from it, making a loud noise by breaking the glass and breaking the eternal silence of the night.

Jack feels like he's about to faint, while Misty can't even react to whatever is happening right now, everything is happening so fast. The two thought they were about to fall but then a black smoke appeared around Kyan, covering him until he was out of sight, Misty closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she was on top of a giant black bird that looked like a crow. The bird's feather is black as the night sky and if you look closely, you can see tiny white dots that look like the stars in the night sky, just like Kyan's hair. Kyan can shapeshift?! That's amazing, she can feel the wind in her face as they fly into the night sky.

Misty can't believe that she's riding a giant bird right now, this is amazing! Misty looked at Jack with a smile plastered on her face, but Jack looked scared, he could barely move from his spot. "We just jumped from a 30-foot window, and now we are flying... thousands of feet away from the ground!!" he mumbles, looking terrified. "Oh, don't be such a crybaby," Kyan said, he flapped his wings a little to teas Jack, and of course, it made Jack more scared. "Hey! Don't drop me!" Jack snapped angrily but there was a hint of fear in his voice.

Misty chuckles a little, "We need to get to the old bookstore, on that market thingy!" Misty then said to Kyan, "Oh! The place where we bump into each other? That place has a name, you know?" Kyan answered, "Really? I called it the market this whole time" Misty said. "Why do we need to go to that dirty and broken place?" Jack asked, he didn't seem to like the place. "I need to return the map Mr. Oliver gave me," Misty said, "who?" Kyan asked, "It's a friendly man that runs the bookstore, Your brother, Jay, led me to him" Misty explained, "Well, if Jay trusted him, I guess we can trust him too," Kyan said before he flapped his wings and and head to the place Misty mentioned. Misty can see the moon shining on the night sky with the tiny dots of stars, accompanying it, it reminds her of Kyan.

She keeps on looking at them as they fly into the night sky.