
My diary system in Marvel

After transmigrating into the Marvel universe, Luke had awaken the Diary Entry System. As long as whoever that holds the diary believes and trusts in what was written, then Luke would be rewarded by his system. The stronger the trust value, the better the rewards. Editor note: Hello guys! I am not the author, nor am I a translator of this fanfic. I am simply a normal guy heavily editing an MTL of the raw "People are writing diaries in Marvel, and the Avengers are all confused". I saw some others on this app who are attempting to edit the chapters, such as "Elephas" or "BlackGoku222" but I find their edits rather lackluster. And since I am interested in reading this further, I thought i'd do the rest of us a favor of putting out my edited version of the MTL. Please note that the characters will be slightly AU. If you think that my edited version is different from the original or other versions, you would be right as I included my own elements and removed some extra information in order to try to make the story as congruent as possible. Honestly guys, the MTL is so confusing. Lastly, I will TRY my best to make this story as readable as humanely possible, but no promises for a 5-star edit as my English language was only a B3. And thanks for taking the time to read this! (Gib me cookies/stones please) (Cover pic by Nariva Amynia on DevianArt. This is not an original work, I own absolutely nothing except my own deviations to the original fanfiction!)

TheWandaShip · Anime et bandes dessinées
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88 Chs

C37 - New Neighbour! (Bonus Chapter)

'Inner dialogue/thoughts'

"Normal dialogue"


[Diary entries]

(Word count: 1,370)

~ With Wanda, Pietro and Natasha ~

Wanda, Pietro and Natasha were currently having dinner at the dining table. Ever since Natasha had walked in an hour ago, both Wanda and Pietro had their guards up the entire time and were cautious around Natasha. Natasha may have claimed to be a part of SHIELD, but they could not take any chances.

The reason why they had yet to leave the apartment was due to not having any alternative places to go. They had called the number that agent Hill had left for them in cases of emergency but were surprised when the person who answered was none other than Natasha herself.

This should have by all means proven that Natasha was who she said she was, however, the siblings had been fooled before. As such, they maintained their vigilance until agent Hill or Fury himself had confirmed Natasha's identity.

Seeing the sibling's vigilance, Natasha decided to tease them a little, "By the way, I'll be living with the two of you from this point forward for the foreseeable future."

At her words, Pietro and Wanda stopped eating, and looked up at Natasha confused. "Wait, what do you mean you will be living with us from now on?" Pietro asked.

"Well, I have to live somewhere to be your caretaker. And since you have spare rooms in this large apartment to yourselves, I figured why not just stay here too. That way I can take care of the both of you while being near your location. I will also have a free place to live in." Natasha replied.

After taking a moment, Pietro spoke up in protest, "You can't live here! This place is meant only for me and my sister. Why don't you just stay at where you've been staying at this whole time, or better yet, find some other place to live in!"

"Why? This apartment's pretty close by to the café where I work too, it'll be easier for me to commute back and forth compared to where I was living in before." Natasha began, "Also, I am your caretaker put in charge by Hill. If I say I am living here, then I am living here."

Before Pietro could make his counter argument, Wanda had, for the second time that night, spoken up, "Earlier you said you were waiting to cross paths with me before you came to us. Why?"

Wanda had asked the question that had been gnawing at her the entire time Natasha was around. It did not make sense to Wanda. She did not know who Natasha was, nor why she would be of any interest to Natasha.

Thinking on the spot, Natasha spoke with a confidence and with a constant cadence, "I read your file. In it, it had mentioned something specifically, troubling."

Seeing as she had gotten Wanda's full attention, Natasha asked a question that she was sure would have gotten a reaction out of Wanda, "What do you think of Tony Stark?"

Hearing that name, Wanda's brows furrowed while Pietro waited to see Wanda's reaction. A few months ago, Wanda would have exploded at the mere mention of Tony Stark. However, recently, Pietro had found himself getting surprised by Wanda more and more with each passing day. It was almost as if she was growing up faster than he was.

After a moment of silence, Wanda began, "Tony Stark is someone who should be punished for what he has done and the people he has killed. He is also the person that I hate the most in this world, and I would not be remiss if he were killed in this kidnapping."

At her admission, Natasha asked, "And what if he survived and returns? What then? Will you get revenge for what has happened in the past?"

Hearing the question Natasha posed, Wanda's eyes narrowed. 'She knows something. But it doesn't seem like she is connected. So, the question now is, what does she know?'

The silence that followed told Natasha everything she needed to know regarding Wanda's position on Tony Stark. Natasha had read the files on Wanda. She, like Pietro, had expected that Wanda would go on to state that she would kill Tony Stark herself. However. as Wanda was silent on the matter, it meant that her opinions were slowly changing.

Briefed about Wanda by Fury, Natasha could only hope that with Luke's presence and Wanda's status as a diary holder, that Wanda would change her opinions on getting revenge on Tony.

"Uh ladies, I don't know what's going on here, but I'm still in the room and I still disagree with you staying here with us." Pietro intervened after the lull in the conversation between Wanda and Natasha.

Seeing that Pietro had lightened the heavy mood, Natasha decided that she had had enough fun teasing the siblings. "Alright, that's enough of this conversation for now. The two of you won't have to attend school here yet, as you will be doing so in New York. Having to change schools twice in the span of a few months would be too troublesome."

Standing up, Natasha continued, "But that doesn't mean that you won't have to study. I have already prepared study materials suitable for kids your age, I will be conducting frequent tests and if you fail these tests." Natasha paused, allowing the silence to envelop the siblings before she finished while walking towards the apartment door, "Well, let's just say you won't like what will happen to you if you fail."

"What do you mean by that?" Pietro asked as he hurriedly followed after Natasha.

As Pietro followed Natasha, he had learned that Natasha had been teasing them the entire time when Natasha had said she would move in with them. Natasha already had an apartment to herself directly opposite to the siblings.

"You! You live right in front of us?!" Pietro exclaimed as he saw Natasha walked into her apartment.

"Oh? Didn't I already tell you that earlier?" Natasha said as she closed her apartment door with a smirk on her lips.

Already tired of the day's events, Pietro decided to just head to bed. Closing the apartment door, he walked towards the dining room, only to see it empty as he heard Wanda closing her room door.

'And of course I end up the one doing the dishes. Why not? It's bully Pietro year, isn't it? Wanda's acting strangely, there's a new neighbour who's a spy, and for the first time in years, I have to study and pass a test?! Not just once but MULTIPLE TIMES?!' Pietro complained internally as he began cleaning up for the night.

- End of Chapter 37 -

Next time in C38 - The Fourth WAH!

'Wait, Natasha? THAT NATASHA?! Wasn't Luke always talking about someone named Natasha and her boss named Fury?! This is too much of a coincidence!'




[But that's okay, as long as I know that they are alive and safe, then that's all I need.]

E/d note: So, C37 was written using MTL 33's template. However, as I had changed Wanda and Natasha's character development to suit my style, MTL 33 would not be a suitable chapter to use as it is about Natasha and Wanda bonding over the diary, going as far as to hug each other on the first meeting.

MTL 33 also gave the reveal of diary holders to each other, meaning Natasha knows Wanda holds the Diary and Wanda knows Fury and Natasha holds the diary. In C29, I had written that Fury decided not to reveal the diary to Wanda, so that's what I will stick with and will change accordingly for the future scenes between Wanda and Natasha, until I think that the relationship has been built up enough and that Wanda is ready to know that there are other holders.

TheWandaShipcreators' thoughts