
Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Four


I was really furious I can't believe that May have resort to stalking me and only God knows exactly what is going on in her mind. From the look of things I don't have any other option but to tell Ella what is going on, although I am still scared of what her reaction will be but every arguments are pointing towards telling her what is going on. After the call with aunty Rose I walked back to where others are enjoying the view, I know they are already wondering what kept me so long especially Ella. I silently thank aunty Rose for assigning her men to protect us from the shadows, if not for them I will not know that I got a stalker.

I approached them, Ella looked at me and uttered, you were gone for a while. Yeah, I know it's work stuff and am glad that things are looking brighter now, I answered her then I turned to Sarah. Hey Sarah hope you don't mind I will like to borrow George for two minutes I will return him back to you, I said to her. What the heck bro! Am not an object, George exclaimed while Sarah and Ella just laughed at what I said. Sure he can go with you just make sure you bring him back here, Sarah said joining the joke.

George stood up and we walked to a safe distance before I started telling him about who called me and the purpose why she called. A lot of emotions were roaming around George face, shock, admiration, anger and that I told you so look. So where is that devil? George asked pertaining to May. Aunty Rose said that she is seated at the far end of this rooftop, the area is a little dark, I explained to him. Okay then what are you waiting for? Let's go and confront that little devil, George said taking a step towards the area where May is supposed to be at.

No George you are not coming with me, I called you here so that I can inform you what the latest update is, you have to stay with the ladies so that they will not get worried and they will start looking for us, I explained to him which he understood my point and walked back to the ladies but not after he asked me to call him if things become difficult for me to handle. I walked to where May is supposed to be and luckily she is still there. I sat down before her, she was surprised to see me sitting in front of her all of a sudden.

She comport herself after her initial shock of seeing me before her. What a small world, we seem to be running into each other lately or are you perhaps following me, May suddenly turned the table but such attitude is already expected from such dubious person. Quit pretending May cause I can see through your act and am not here to banter words with but to set record straight with you, what happened between us was in the past and I will like for it to stay that way, I already have a girlfriend so whatever it is that is going on in your mind I will advice you delete it, I told point blank cause I don't want to beat around the bush with her.

You said what happened between us was in the past what of what happened two days ago or have you forgotten so suddenly, she said and smirked. Seems like the sly fox is not ready to back down. You and I know what actually happened two days ago and in case you are hanging onto that I want to burst your bubbles, it means absolutely nothing to me, I told her. She gave me that evil smile and I know she is not yet done. I don't think your girlfriend will think that it means nothing to you, she said nonchalantly. I stood up immediately and snarled at her, you better don't show your face to my girlfriend or I happen to see you around her you will be sorry for yourself, I told her and storm off cause I don't want her to get on my nerves the more.