
Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Three

Third Person POV

They all were really enjoying their time at the rooftop hotel, while at the other side of the lounge sat the people assigned by Rose to secure the four on vacation. They were contemplating within themselves whether to inform their boss Rose about the woman they noticed that have been stalking the four. I think we should inform boss about this woman, she can investigate her and know whether she is dangerous or not, one of them suggested. I don't think that will be necessary cause she seem to be stalking Max not George and you know our main concern is George, another person reminded them.

After going back and forth with their arguments they finally decide to tell Rose about the woman. Rose got the message from the men she assigned to protect George and his entourage in secret and since they are there, they are giving her daily feedback and so far none of them is bad news or alarming news. Rose was surprised to hear that Max got himself a stalker but from the report she got from her men. The person stalking Max is not dangerous to compare to Anna but she will need to warn Max about this.

Rose called Max on the phone, Max looked at his phone and saw that Aunty Rose is the one calling, he already sensed that it's something serious cause the aunty Rose he know will not call just to chit chat. Max excused himself to go and answer his call, Sarah looked at him suspiciously cause she don't understand why he have to go far from them because he want to answer call. She would have followed him but she knew that it will look so childish and George will not be please with her if she do such a thing.

Max picked the call when he made sure that he is out of others earshot, Hello Aunty, he greeted. Hello, Max how is the vacation going so far? Rose inquired. It is going smoothly, Max relate but at the back of his head he knew that this is not the reason why aunty Rose called him. He waited for Aunty Rose to state the main reason why she called. That's good to know then, I got a report that a particular lady started stalking you, do you happen to have an idea of who I am talking about? Rose asked him.

Max was shocked that Rose who is not with them here know about May already but his surprise quickly subside when he remember that he is dealing with Miss know it all. Aunty don't tell me that you have people following us around, George inquired but he already know that's exactly what she did and that is how she was able to know what happening here. Well you don't expect me to allow you guys to go on that vacation without any form of protection, Rose started. But there is no danger roaming around again, Max pointed out.

You think so, you see I don't trust Anna calmness cause I have this feeling that behind that calmness is a raging storm and I have to be alert all the time I don't want to be taken unawares, Rose give her reason which sound reasonable to Max but that is not what he want to dwell on he is more concerned about the fact that May is stalking him. Aunty if you said that this lady is stalking me that means that she is inside here? Max asked. Yes she is here but wait do you know this lady in question? Rose asked Max.

Yes, I know who she is, Max answered. Care to tell me the story behind this woman that is stalking you, Rose required. Max told her how he met with May and what transpired between them in the past and how saw each other at the hotel they lodged and what that night. Is your girlfriend aware of what is going on? Rose asked him. No I don't want her to misunderstand, Max answered. Max I think you not telling her what is going on will make to misunderstand you, I will strongly suggest that you tell her yourself before that, lady will approach Ella, Rose advised him.

Max know what Rose said made a lot of sense and it's nothing but the truth but he is still afraid, afraid of what Ella reaction will be if he tell her that she allowed another woman to kiss him. Aunty am scared, what if she breaks up with me if I tell her what happened, Max decided to come clean with what actually is his fear. Max there is no way for you to know her reaction if you did not tell and give her the benefit of being reasonable, you never can tell she might surprise you with her action and you can only know if you tell her, Rose tried to encourage Max to come clean with Ella.

Rose can still feel the hesitation from Max and she continued to encourage him pointing out reason why it is necessary that he is the one that Ella heard this from. You need to tell Ella what happened first cause if this lady happen to be the first person to tell Ella what happened, you can as well kiss your relationship good bye cause I know this kind of lady that is desperate to get the man they want, they will go to any length to make sure they achieve their goals, so I am advising you to beat her in her own game by telling Ella first before her, Rose advised again.

Okay aunty I have heard you and I will do as you said but first I want to know where that lady is right now cause I want to corner her and have a little chat with him, Max requested. Rose told Max where May is seated at and also remind him to tell Ella what is going on before she ended the call. Max put his phone back in his pocket and hurried to where others are enjoying themselves.