
Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Five

Third Person POV

Max is already done confronting May but the latter is not ready to back down yet, she believed in her mind that Ella don't deserve to be with Max. The fact that Max seem to be protecting Ella got her angrier, she vowed to do everything within her power to see that those two breaks up. Max walked back to his company, George gave him that questioning look. Max catching on what that look meant, shrugged his shoulder silently telling him that things did not work out the way they expected it. Sarah and Ella who are oblivious of what is happening were so happy that they got to enjoy this moment with their boyfriend.

They left the place when they noticed that it is late already, Sarah was humming a song throughout their ride back to the hotel to show how happy she is right now. Sarah is so looking forward to visiting the island tomorrow and thank God she came with her swimming trunks cause she is sure that there will be beach there, she can swim and enjoy herself to her heart content. George wish for those smiles on the faces of their girlfriend will last for good but nobody knows what next step May will take, that is why he is only wishing.

They arrived back to the hotel Sarah and Ella are in a hurry to get back to their room so they can pack what they will need for the island tomorrow. George noticed how eager the ladies are to get inside, he decided to slow his pace so that he can have the time and space to talk with Max cause he is curious to know how the confrontation between Max and May went. Hey, bro how did it go? George asked as soon as he get to Max side. But from the look on Max face George can already tell that things did not go as we expected.

She is adamant bro, she even threatened to tell Ella what happened two days ago, Max answered. I already advice to tell Ella what is going on, am sure she will understand you, George said to Max. You are right man that is why I have decided to tell her tonight and wait for the result, Max told George. That's a good decision you have taken I will be at the sideline cheering for you, George told his best friend and also assured him that he is with him all the way. The men walked back to their suite and entered their room and walked into their girlfriend packing.

Max was shocked when he saw Ella bag on the bed, the first thought that came to his head is that Ella find out what is going on, that is why she is packing to leave him. What is going on? Why is your bag on the bed? Max asked her. Am just looking for swim wear that I will wear while at the beach, Ella answered. Max heaved a sigh of relief but Ella did not notice it cause she is really preoccupied with her search for swim wear. Max left her to continue with what she is doing and walked to the bathroom to freshen up.

They all slept off as soon as their head hit the pillow cause everyone of them is tired. When the morning finally arrived, Sarah was the first person to wake up cause she was so excited about going to the island today that she did not care about that at all. Thirty minutes later every other persons are already awake and Sarah have already ordered for their breakfast to be brought to their room cause she want all of them to have proper rest, so that they can enjoy their visit to the island.

Sarah don't have any plans for dull moment, she intend to enjoy herself thoroughly. Meanwhile May visited the gym thinking that she will be able to meet Max but her waiting was in vain cause neither Max or his shadow show up. May was really disappointed that Max did not show up, she remembered Max confrontation yesterday and from what he said it means that he is aware that I am following him around. May don't want to label herself as a stalker though others might see her that way but that is not the way she sees herself.

Sarah is already counting the time, she is like a child waiting for her favourite candy. Babe you are really excited about this, George can't help but comment. Yeah am really happy that we are going to the island, Sarah said. It's time to go! Sarah shouted and jumped down from the bed and grab the little bag she already packed and rush out of the room to see if her best friend is ready. Ella is already out of their room with the same eagerness all over her body. The four of them walked out of their suite and headed to the rental car packed outside.

May smirked when she saw the group of four walked out of their room. This is the perfect opportunity to execute her plan and she can't wait to see how the smile on their faces will be wiped out from their faces. Rose men were watching May like a hawk since they got instruction from their boss to watch every move May makes and also make sure that she will not get close to Max or Ella. That is why they have been following her since morning and she have been hanging around the suite Max lodged in together George.

May straightened her cloth and smirked and walked towards the four but before she could reach them, somebody suddenly bumped into her. Because she did not expect to be bumped into anyone, she screamed because of the sudden bump and fall on the ground. Max turned towards where the scream come from. He saw May on the floor and looked at the man that bumped into her and one look at the man he can tell that he is working for Aunty Rose.