
Chapter Three Hundred

Claire POV

Staying in that country and that remote area that my father sent me to, helped in restructuring the way I view things and life in general. I learned a lot there and I want to put what I learned there into practise, first by starting with apologising to those that I offended and also keeping friends that will positively impact my life. That is why am very happy right now my father told me that George and Sarah accepted to see me tomorrow. I know I promised to hang out with May tomorrow but that can wait cause this is important to me.

I called May and informed her that I will not be available tomorrow and we should shift the catching up next tomorrow. Am so looking forward to tomorrow, am so nervous but at the same time happy that am about to start afresh, to atone for my mistakes. I slept with smiles on my face. When the first ray of sunlight, shined in my room from the window I stood up from the bed cause I barely slept last night, so I was partially awake waiting for the sun to shine. I walked inside the bathroom, did my morning rituals, showered and dressed up for the day.

I came downstairs for breakfast cause after breakfast I will be going with my father to work from there, we will meet with George and Sarah. I want to start working for the first time in my life, I don't want it to be like that the only thing I know how to do is to spend money but I don't have any idea how to make money. I want to change that as well, I want to be the daughter my parents could be proud of apart from the fact that I am beautiful.

After breakfast we headed to my father's company, there I met with a lot of his staff, most of them know me and am sure that they don't have a good opinion about me. That is they are shocked when my father told them that I will be working in the company starting today and what shocked them the most is that I did not go for a high position but decided to stay with them in the cubicle. Initially, my father want to make me the COO but I rejected it cause there is no way I am taking that high position when I don't know my left from my right in terms of working.

I want to start from the lowest level if I want to learn more about my father's company and one day be the person in charge of taking care of it. The day was moving smoothly and I must say that I am disappointed with the way the staff are handling me, none of them wants to assign me to any work, I feel so useless there. I don't see how I will be able to learn anything if they continue to act the way they are acting right now, I need to talk to my father about this so that he can do something about it.