
Chapter Three Hundred and One

Third Person POV

Claire can't wait for the time George gave them to reach so that she can get it over with and move on with her life. She is already feeling bored in the company cause none of them wants her to do anything for fear of incurring the wrath of her father if they overwork her. She is thinking of buying gifts for George and Sarah as a peace offering. "Maybe they will think that am doing too much", she mused. The time George gave them is getting close, Mr Davidson left his office once he saw the time cause he is also curious to see how his daughter is going to handle things today.

The Father and daughter duo entered their car and headed to the meeting place. On their way, Claire decided to ask her father if it will be a good idea to get gifts for George and Sarah. Dad do you think it will be wise to get gifts for them or will it be too much? She asked her father. No Princess I don't think it will be too much to get a gift for them and remember you are going there to amend your mistakes I think it will be a good gesture, her father answered. That answer was satisfactory to Claire but she still have another issue to tell him.

Dad, I need to talk to you about work, if you don't mind, Claire said to her father. Sure darling, I don't mind at all, am all ears, her father assured her. Okay, I will need you to talk to the man in charge, I mean our team leader so that he will assign me to work cause I feel useless not doing anything, I think he is afraid that you will fire him if you find out that he assigned me to work, Claire told her father. Mr Davidson is beyond happy to hear that from his daughter, he is happy that she is making an effort to be better.

Sure, I will tell him that, Mr Davidson assured his daughter. They stopped by a flower shop and Claire got a bouquet for Sarah but don't know what to get for George so that will not be misunderstood, at the end she ended up not buying anything for George. They arrived at the meeting place but Sarah and George are not there yet, so they looked for a table and sat down while they wait for them to arrive. Five minutes later, the two arrived. Am sorry for being late, traffic was terrible, George apologized for coming late the moment they walked in.

It's okay, we understand and what matters is that you guys are here, Claire's father assured them. They sat down and Sarah took the time to check out Claire and she must confess nothing had been taken out of her beauty. She also noticed that Claire has this sophisticated aura around her like she is more mature now compared to the last time she saw her. But Sarah quickly reminds herself not to be in a hurry to conclude, she might end up being disappointed.

They started exchanging pleasantries the moment they sat down, Mr Davidson insisted that they eat first before they will start to discuss the reason why they are there. They ordered their food and kept their discussion around politics and life in general, their order arrived and they started eating. When they finished with their food, Claire gave Sarah the bouquet she bought for her and the latter was very surprised to receive flowers from Claire.

You can see the surprise and confusion written on her face. George, on the other hand, doesn't know what to make of the current situation cause the truth is that he doesn't have an idea of the game Claire is playing and what she intended to achieve. I know you might be wondering why I gave you flowers, Claire said looking from George to Sarah. Sarah nodded cause she can't find her voice to say anything.

That is my peace offering and my way of saying sorry to the two of you for what I made you two pass through because of me, Claire said but the two before her just sat there looking at her like she suddenly grow two horns on her head.

Claire waited for any of them to say something but none of them said anything, so she started talking again to convince them that she is sincere with her apology cause she is getting the feeling that they are doubting her. I know this might come as a surprise and right now you are doubting my sincerity but I want to assure you that I am sincere and sorry for any emotional stress I might have caused you in the past, Claire continued with her apology.

George was the first to get himself out of the shock state they were in," I don't know what to say, I must tell you the truth, I was not expecting any apology from you, George said. I understand perfectly well why you are thinking that way but I want to assure you that I am really sincere about this and this is not a game, I want a fresh start and I know that I can only get that if I apologise to the people I hurt in the past, Claire told him. Mr Davidson can't be more than proud of his daughter, he doesn't need to doubt her sincerity cause he can see how sincere she is.

I think I will come in here, I know what my daughter did to the both of you in the past might make you find it hard to forgive her or believe her sincerity but as her father, I can assure you two that she is really sincere about all that she said here, so am also begging the both of you to forgive her, Mr Davidson also apologized on his daughter behalf. Sarah doesn't know what to do at the moment but she can see the sincerity in Claire's eyes and if she is faking them, she must be one hell of an actress.