
Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Nine

Third Person POV

Claire is ready to atone for her past misdeed so that she can start afresh, she has meditated on what she did for the past few months and realised that she has no right to do all that she did. She realized that she had just been a spoilt brat and selfish at the same time. She wants to apologise to all those that she hurt while trying to achieve her selfish interest. 

Mr Davidson tried to contact George to fix a date with him so that his daughter could see him and his girlfriend. George sees this as an opportunity to present the May issue to Mr Davidson and see what he will say and he is so glad that Sarah is also included in the invitation, cause he will not honour the invitation if Sarah is not included.

The issue is how George is going to present the invitation to Sarah to avoid her getting angry or getting any funny ideas. George was still thinking about it when he felt someone kiss his lips, he looked up immediately to see who did that but relaxed instantly when he saw that his girlfriend is the culprit. Hey babe, you seem to be in deep thought hope all is well? Sarah asked him to know what is going on with him.

Yeah, I am good I want to tell you something, George said finally deciding to tell her. Okay, I am all ears, Sarah said and sat down on the desk while she stares at her boyfriend. Claire is back and she wants to see me, George said to her. Sarah raised her eyebrows when she heard what George said. George sensing where Sarah's thoughts are going, immediately explains to her that he is not the only one invited.

Am not the only one that is being invited, you are also invited, George explained. Sarah released her breath and gave him a half-smile. Though she knew that George love her but she can't help but be insecure about Claire. George saw the look on her face and he don't like it for one bit. Babe, I don't see any reason for you to be feeling down and trust me if you don't want to go and see her I will turn down the invitation, George told her.

And tell them what? Sarah asked him. It's simple, I will tell them that my girlfriend is not comfortable with the meeting, George simply answered cause he doesn't mind turning her down. I don't think that is the right thing to do, is just that I don't know what she has up her sleeve this time around and am not sure if we can survive it, Sarah started her fears. Babe, there is no need for you to be mad, we survive the first one nothing is stopping us from surviving it this time around, so long we have each other, George said to her.

Am sorry for doubting us earlier, let's meet her and see why she wants to see us, maybe what we are thinking is not the reason she wants to see us, Sarah said. That's the spirit I am looking for, George leans in and pecks her lips. Sarah frowned at him cause she want more than a peck. What? George asked pretending that he don't know her reason for frowning. That is the kiss I want, Sarah whined. What kind of kiss do you want then? George asked trying so hard not to laugh cause Sarah look so cute to him while pouting.

This, Sarah, answered and leaned in and capture his lips kissing him aggressively. George was shocked by her aggression but started responding to her kiss with the same intensity. They break the kiss both of them trying to catch their breath. When are we going to meet her? Sarah asked after she was able to calm herself down. I have not given them a date yet cause I told her father that I want to consult with you first before I will give them any date, George answered her.

Okay, why don't we meet with her tomorrow and get over it, and also tomorrow we don't have much to do, Sarah suggested to him. That will be great, I will call her father and tell her so that they can get ready for it, George told her. Sarah stood up and kiss his lips and left the office so that she can give him space, though he won't mind her staying Sarah always liked to respect his space and not be in his face all the time, she don't want to be the clingy girlfriend.

George called Mr Davidson back to give him a reply to his request earlier. Mr Davidson picked up the call the moment he saw the person that is calling him. Hello George, I was not expecting to hear from you so soon, he said. Well, I already talked to my girlfriend and I don't see any reason to keep you waiting and she accepted the invitation, which means that we accept it we will meet with your daughter tomorrow by1pm, George informed him.

That's good, I will inform my daughter so that she will get ready and to assure you that there will be no monkey business tomorrow, I will be coming with her, Mr Davidson informed George. George felt relieved when he heard what Claire's father said to cause the truth is that he is somehow worried. That's good cause there is something important that I want to discuss with you, George told him. That's fine by me, am available anytime you want to see me, Claire's father assured him.

They ended the call with promises of seeing each other tomorrow. George called Max and informed him about the invitation and his intention to seize the opportunity and talked to Mr Davidson about May and the possibility of her trying to invest in his company using the connection she has with his daughter. Max was beyond happy cause he can't believe that George Will make things to be easier for him.