
Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty One

 Third Person POV

Claire saw when Mr Steve walked into the company but she hid cause she don't want him to see her. She has never had any personal encounter with the man but she doesn't like the fact that he is desperate to be in a high position, going as far as scheming to take over a company that does not belong to him. One hour later Steve walked out of the company but Claire noticed that he is not happy as he was when he came in. She is curious to know what happened cause she is sure that he came to see her father but she had to wait until she gets home so that she can ask her father. Mr Davidson can't understand why Steve wants his son to marry his daughter, he is aware that Steve doesn't venture into something he will not benefit from but the question is, what did he want to benefit from the marriage.

Claire arrived home and had dinner with her parents, while they were having dinner she was hoping that her father will bring up Steve's visit but that did not happen. Claire decided that if her father will not bring it up, then she have to ask him about it. When they are done with their dinner, Mr Davidson turned to his daughter. Claire don't go in yet, I have something to discuss with you, he said to his daughter. Claire knows that it has to be about Steve's visit, Claire sat down beside her mother who her husband already briefed about the unexpected visit. What do you want to discuss with me? She asked her father.

I had an unexpected visitor today, am sure you saw him, Claire's father said looking at his daughter to know if she truly saw him. Do you mean Mr Steve Vincent, George's uncle? She asked him. Yes, he is the one am talking about and his visit was for something that I never expected, her father said. Just as I suspected, his visit is not ordinary, Claire mused. Her father continued with what he was saying. He said that his son came back and said that he want to marry you and that is why he came over to discuss things with me, Her father told her. Claire was staring at her father like he grew two horns, never in her wildest imagination will she imagine that Steve came to discuss her.

Can that man be less desperate, Claire mused cause she clearly remember everything that she discussed with Victor when she saw him in his former hiding place, the man even ran away when she tried to make him have his revenge on Sarah and now he is suddenly back asking for her hand in marriage. Dad given Steve Vincent's history don't you think that he is up to something not good and he wants this marriage as the financial backbone, Claire pointed out to her father. I thought about that Claire but what if the said young man is really in love with you, Her father said cause he also doesn't know what Steve is playing at. I don't think that is the case here, Victor is not in love with me, Claire started.

How can you be so sure Claire, cause his father told me that his son confided in him about his feelings for you, Her father told her. Claire doesn't want to believe that her father is even considering this ridiculous idea but he should know one thing, yes, she changed but that does not mean that her life has to be controlled by a greedy man's words. Let's say he loves me but the important question here is, do I love him and the answer is NO with a capital letter, Claire told her father. Mr Davidson has nothing else to say cause at the end of the day, Claire has the final say. Then I will tell him what your take on the matter cause I told him that everything is in your hands, Her father told her.

Claire heaved a sigh of relief cause she thought that her father is about to disappoint her. Claire dear, if I recall correctly you said that you saw Victor when you were in the North? Her mother asked her cause she is suspecting that Steve is lying, she has been going through her mind since her husband told her about his visit. Yes mum and while we discussed he made it clear that he won't want to come back to his father and when I tried to coerce him to have his revenge on Sarah deceiving him, do you know what he did, he ran away from me the next day so that I will not be able to contact him again, Claire narrated to her mother. Darling, I think that Mr Vincent is lying to you about his son being in love with our daughter, Claire's mother told her husband.

If he can lie about this just to be part of my family, that means he is targeting something, could it be that he is targeting to take over my company after his son married Claire, Mr Davidson thought out loud. I don't think that is the case, my gut is telling me that he wants to get back at George and his mother, I think he wants Vincent Corporation as his own and he needs strong backing like your company for his goals, Claire aired her thoughts. I agree with you on that, I think that is what he is after and another thing, how sure are we that his son is around, cause according to you, you said that he won't want to come back, Claire's mother pointed out. Knowing Steve I think he already found his son that is why he made this move today, Mr Davidson said.

I think Princess you should expect Victor to start courting you soon, I heard that the young man is his father's puppet, Mr Davidson informed his daughter. I hope he will not do that cause I will not find it entertaining one bit, Claire started. Baby, what about the young man your father told me to visit you in the company? Her mother inquired cause she is curious to know about Stephen since her husband told her about him. We are having dinner on Saturday, Claire told her mother smiling shyly. Is that a date? Her mother asked. I guess it is, Claire answered timidly.