
Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Two

Steve POV

I am disappointed with the reply I got from Mr Davidson, I have wasted a lot of money just to bring back Victor for this purpose. Now I have to assign Victor to make Claire believe that he is in love with her, my phone started ringing and I checked the caller ID and it was the guy I assigned to be Victor's driver and bodyguard. I asked him to report any out-of-context move that Victor will make, I think that's why he is calling me now. Steve Vincent speaking, I said the moment I accept the call. Sir, we are at Vin's Company, he said. What is this moron doing there, wait he said that means that Victor is there with him. What the hell are the two of you doing there? I asked him.

I don't know but Mr Victor is the one that asked me to drive him there and they asked me to wait outside while they discuss, He explained to me. But his explanation is like salt to my injury, my son seems to be determined to make a subject of mockery with any chance he got. Once you two are done there, drive him home, I repeat drive his home don't go anywhere I need to talk to that boy, do you understand and remember your job is on the line, I reminded him so that he will not think of trying to be smart. I headed home with a lot of thoughts going on in my mind. I arrived home and thirty minutes later Victor arrived home.

Where the hell are you coming from? I asked him the moment he stepped inside the house. Well, I went to see George cause I have some scores to settle with him, Victor said and sat down. I don't want to have my hopes up but is my son trying to tell me that he has grown balls overnight. What scores are you talking about? I asked him to be sure that he is talking about the same thing. Have you forgotten already, that he and his girlfriend tricked me into selling my shares and to think I walked in on them making out disgust me to the last, Victor said showing how irritated he is. Here I am thinking that today is fruitless, not knowing that I have a surprise waiting for me.

But am not telling him my plans yet cause I don't know how far he is willing to go, to revenge for what those two did to him. So, what do you intend to do to them, am sure you want to have your revenge? I asked him. Yeah, I want to have my revenge but you know that am not good with it, so I will need your help, Victor said. Oh God, am not dreaming right? This is not a dream, my son is asking for my help without me offering it first. Today ought to be one of my best days. Okay, I will help you but you have to start wooing Claire Davidson as soon as the possible cause she will be a great tool in getting your revenge, I told him.

Sure, Dad, I will do just that, but you know that there is no guarantee that she will accept me, Claire can be difficult if she decides to, Victor reasoned out. I understand what you are talking about, every woman has a weak point, find hers and use it to your advantage, I advised him. He accepted and went upstairs, things are now gradually falling into place. Victor and I are finally on the same page.