
Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty

Steve POV

I arrived at Davidson's empire in high spirit, I walked into the company and marvelled at how big and beautiful everywhere is. This is my first time entering the company and am impressed by what I have seen so far if my plan works out the way I have planned it. In no time Victor will be in charge of this empire. The receptionist escorted me to the CEO's office after I introduced myself as Mr Vincent, I made sure that the news that is no longer in Vincent's Corporation is a well-hidden cause that will kill my chances of getting to the Davidsons. I knocked on the door and I was asked to come in by Mr Davidson himself.

I entered his office and I can see the look of surprise on his face, which is expected since I did not inform him that I am coming. What a surprise Steve, I was not expecting you, He said and extend his hand for a handshake. I shook his hand. Don't be afraid or get worried over my visit cause I can assure you that is going to be the best visit you ever received, I told him smiling at him. I can see the confusion on his face and also curiosity, well, he is a businessman and he is always open to new ideas. Okay, am all ears, what brought you to my company? He asked me. I ignored the fact that he did not offer me any refreshments, reminding me that my mission here is more important than refreshments.

I will get straight to the point then, my son Steve came back to the country and he told me of his intention to marry your daughter, I told him, looking at him trying to make out his expression but it is blank. I can't tell what is going on in his mind right now cause of his blank expression. Do you mean your son Victor? He asked me still with a blank expression. Yes, it's not like I have any other son, I answered him. If I remember correctly he is the one that sold his shares, he pointed out. I know he is going to say that but I already have that covered. About that I asked him his reason for doing that, and he told me that he want to set up his own company like his cousin George and he need capital for that, I told him.

Well, I don't have a problem with what he intends to do with his life and also you are Vincent and I don't have any grudges against you guys but you see the issue of marriage is a very sensitive issue, He said. Am glad that he is not looking at Victor's shortcomings, that is a sign that it will be a smooth ride. I understand what you are saying, marriage is a sensitive issue, I said to him. Am glad that you understand that is why, this is not my decision to make but my daughter's, if she accepts your son as the man she wants to spend the rest of her life with, I don't have a problem with that, He started. Okay, I was not expecting such a reply from him but I don't want to argue with him, to avoid pissing him off.

I think it is now left for my son to go after his daughter and convince her that he is capable of marrying her. I thought this will be easy but I thought wrong but that doesn't mean that I am giving up yet.