
Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty One

Third Person POV

Everybody seems to be going about their business recently since Steve has been quiet for some time now, George even tasked Victor to find out from his father what his plan is now, but the latter was unsuccessful. Victor was unable to get any information from his father and Steve is always absent from home, only God knows where he usually goes  Victor has considered following him to know where he usually goes, but he knows that will be a mistake cause his father will find out that he is following him and that will show him that he never believes him and that he is working against him. He doesn't want to take that risk, Steve is calm now not steering any trouble but one thing is certain, he has not given up yet and the worst part is that nobody knows what he is planning to do.

Steve has been busy thinking of the best way to take his revenge on George and his mother for kicking him out of the company, he was banking on Davidson's empire, but that did not work out for him. Now he is back to zero and he has to start from scratch, this time around he needs a partner but the question is who could that be? He needs someone that shares the same passion to pull down Vincent's company but he doesn't know where to find such a person. Cause the people in the business world will not agree with him to harm George or his mother cause every one of them is afraid of going against them, that is why he needs someone that has a deep hatred for them. Steve has been going to this underground that he built cause there, he will be able to think properly without his son disturbing him, cause Victor has been so inquisitive lately.

Steve sat down in his favourite chair in the underground going through the files of people that have worked for George and his mother or are still working for them. But his main focus is on those that have worked for them in the past, he wants to know how they stopped working for him and what led them to stop working for them. He has been going through those files but of them have interested him so far, cause it's either they are already old and can't continue working or they left the company to start their own business. Steve doesn't think that all these are reasonable enough for them to want to destroy the company or the people they have worked for in the past and the current workers seem happy and satisfied to be working in Vincent's Company. He is not ready to stop going through until he made sure that he has seen all that needs to be seen.

Steve was beyond pissed right now cause it seem to him that all the files in front of him are turning out to be useless to him, when he saw a file that have black ink on top of it, that got his attention cause all the files none of them have that black ink on them. I think this must be interesting, he mused and started going through the file. He recognises the person in that picture immediately, how can he forget that face, the face of the woman who was able to achieve what he always wanted to achieve for a long while. This is the woman that broke his nephew's heart without looking back, she is the kind of person that he wants to work with. How come I did not think about her until now? She is perfect to be my partner in this, he mused. Will she want to go against George again? He wondered. Steve continue to read what is inside the file and his lips curved up in a smile.

I can't believe that this is the person I have been searching for, she not only betray him, but she also hates him and was stalking Sarah until she got the restraining order and since then she went back to helping her husband with his casino business. Steve knows that Anna is not just quiet like him, he knows that she must be planning the best revenge. That is why he needs to meet her so that they can team up and achieve their common goal. He called one of the IT guys that are working for him. I need you to find the location of this woman and also get me her contact, he instructed him to which the IT guy agreed without any questions asked. Steve is already formulating what and what to say to her when he will meet her. He needs to say something that will convince her to join his course cause he knows that she will be a great ally.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the town, Laura can't wait to break the news of being official with Jerry to her children, she is no longer afraid cause she knows that her children support her. She has been smiling from ear to ear inside the car and she will steal glances at Jerry from time to time, she just felt like a teenager who had just fallen in love for the first time. Jerry finds her behaviour adorable cause he is also happy when she accepted to give them a chance and see how it will go and he also can't wait to brag about it to his daughter. They have gotten so close this past few months to the extent that they tease each other. Jerry dropped off Laura at her house and he don't like where she is staying one bit, but he did not voice it out cause he don't want to sound like he is looking down on her. Jerry made a mental note to hurry things up and marry her so that he can be able to get her out of that place.