
Chapter Ten

George POV

My mother raised her eye brow looked at me silently telling me she is not here for my bullshit but I decided to play ignorant of the message she is trying to pass across. Beauty I will accept but looking young I will not agree with you cause am not getting any younger and I need grandchildren my mother said while giving me that am not happy with you look.

Mum this grandchildren issue again are you not tired of it I asked,no am not tired of saying it all the time, do you know Mrs Davis her son's wife put to bed yesterday and am three years older than her but she is already a grandmother.

Solomon her son you are two years older than him he now has a family of his own all you ever do is change women like diapers,My mother looks at me with such fury. Mum am just thirty and am still young I try to calm my mother down.

Well the reason why I am here is that I want you to come over to my place this weekend there is someone I want you to meet my mother said,who is the person Mum? I asked,am not telling you until you come and meet the person then you will see for yourself who the person is.

By the way why is there no refreshment here in your office or you my son is now neglecting my needs or is your secretary not aware that I am here my mother questioned me trying to divert from the question am asking her.

Knowing my mother, is useless trying to get the information out of her I decided to call Sarah so that she can bring drinks for us. I dialed Sarah office when she answered I asked her to bring drinks to my office that I have a visitor am aware she already know that I have a visitor since she can see my office through the glass but I still inform her so that she will be extra careful.

Sarah brought a bottle of red wine and juice I guess the red wine is for me while the juice is for my mother that's clever of her,she walked in, placed the Drinks on the table in front of the couch and left to bring the glasses. While Sarah was going about the duty I assigned to her,my mother was watching her like a hawk and I know inside her mind she is wondering who she is.

Immediately she left my office my mother started interrogating me,George who is that? Oh that's my new assistant Sarah I answered,your new what! My mother yelled. My assistant Mum,why are you shouting like I murdered someone I said nonchalantly. Yes you did not murder anybody but you are about to commit suicide My mother said while sternly looking me.

Mum I know why you are looking at me like that but don't worry I got it all covered I try to assure my mother but she will not have any of it and that led to her lecture. How can you have another assistant after what happened with Anna,George I almost lost you,you know you are all that I have left since your father died is Rose not enough at least we know Rose and her family and what she is capable of doing what do you need an assistant for,My mother rambles on.

I decided to cut her short cause am already having headache with her continuos rambling,Mum Anna happened three years ago and more over the work load is too much on Rose and I alone and more over this is not George of three years ago and this is a new George, a refined version of George, am no longer naive Mum trust me on this one.

Okay if you say so but you have to be really careful my mother warned me,I will be careful Mum I assured her. My mother did not talk about Sarah again but I know her and know she will not let it go that easily.