
Chapter Nine

George POV 

I walked into my company heading towards my office there standing in front of the secretary desk is Sarah and my secretary is no where in sight, I wondered what she is doing there,standing and frowning like someone that did not get what she wanted.

Wait how am I sure she is not scheming something in the secretary office but can't find it,is she looking for information about this project,is it because I did not let her fully in about what is going on with the project maybe that's why she is here.

I was contemplating within myself,hmm I think I should keep my eyes on this girl and check her background and people she is connected with to avoid my past repeating itself again. After staring at her for some minutes I decided to make my presence known.

Why are you standing there frowning like someone that ate sour soup,I decided to use sour soup so that I will not say what's really on my mind so that if she is scheming something she will not know that am unto her. No....thing sir she stuttered, will you get yourself useful and stop standing there like a decoration,stop wasting my money am paying you remember.

Yes sir I will get myself useful she answers sarcastically,I detected the sarcasm but decide to ignored it. I have more pressing issues to attend to than dealing with my assistant. I entered my office and started putting things together,calling the appropriate people that will handle the project in order to give me what I really wanted.

After making sure that I have contacted the people that I needed. I called this private investigator that Max my best friend recommended for me.

George : Hello Frank  this is George from Vin Company speaking.

Frank : Hello Mr George to what do I owe this honour?

George : I want you to do a thorough investigation of this lady,when I say thorough I mean everything including who she speaks with.

Frank : Okay send her profile and my money you already know my price.

George : okay I will do just that.

I disconnected the call and send the money and Sarah profile to the P.I,my phone started ringing and I checked the caller ID,my mother is the one calling me I picked the call she informed me that she is coming to visit me that she is already in the packing lot.

My mother and her habit of coming and going as she pleases without giving you any notification of her coming. My mother walked inside my office and sat down on the couch. It has been three months since I last saw my mother because she is always travelling she want to see the world.

I decided to tease her after giving her a warm hug Mrs Vincent you are looking so beautiful and young what is the secret I asked while smiling mischievously. My mother raised her eye brow looked at me,silently telling me she is not here for my bullshit.