
Chapter Sixteen

Sarah POV

Who is the first person that asked you this question she asked, why is she always answering a question with question I groaned. The CEO mother I answered immediately cause am now desperate to know what's going on,so please tell me what is going on,why is it that you all seemed protective of our boss especially where I am concerned I inquired because this is eating me up cause I don't know where I have gone wrong.

Rose was silent for some minutes I thought that she will not answer my question. You remembered that you asked me about Anna and do you still remember what I told you that day Rose asked. Yes you said that she betrayed our boss and the company that her name is a taboo in this company I answered her.

Well that Anna was our boss personal assistant like you,back then Boss was very cheerful,kind,humble and he was madly in love with his personal assistant Anna to the extent of showing her some secrets of how this company became successful, things were going well until Anna betrayed him. That was when all hell let loose Rose said, but this Anna how did she betrayed our boss? I asked.

Cause am now picking all the broken pieces putting it together,now am understanding the reason why everyone is cautious of me. Rose continue with her story Anna used our boss to developed her own company, she will take our company idea and she will use it to run her own company.

She never loved our boss or have any interest in the company, she was pretending to be in love with our boss and also have the interest of this company at heart,everybody trusted and loved her until that fateful competition that Melbel company won.

When we saw the design they presented we all know that this is our idea but it is more refined and our rough areas were retouched,at first we blamed ourselves for been careless that we let our guard down and another company saw our work,we started suspecting each other that one of us betrayed our company while all this is going on no body suspected Anna or point accusing finger at her because she is the boss girlfriend and they love each other so much so we thought.

You can imagine how shocked we are when we saw her video where she is getting married to the CEO of Melbel company Melvin Black. So you can imagine how devastated he was not to talk more of him continuously blaming himself for been a fool and falling in love with the woman that betrayed him and his company. He is not the only one that was devastated, I was too because I felt like I failed him,George is like a younger brother to me.

I was there I saw all his pain and that changed him to who he is today,the sweet boy is no longer there. When you started working here and I saw how strict he was towards you I was comfortable that he had learnt his lesson because after Anna incident you are the next personal assistant that he hired but this past two weeks got me worried cause you two are getting close now,so am begging you if you know that you don't mean well for this company and Boss please leave now before it's too late and believe me if you do something that will hurt him I will hunt you I promise Rose threatened.

Rose left after saying this,now everything makes sense to me they should not worry I don't intend to hurt the Boss am here to work and earn money.