
Chapter Fifteen

Sarah POV

I finished explaining to Ella what is going on,Ella was in deep thought it has been five minutes now but she is still silent,I just let her be so that she will think it through before telling me her thoughts and to know what she will suggest.

Sarah you and your boss are in good terms now right? Ella asked me after keeping quiet for some minutes, technically yes he is nice to me now but why are you bringing up my boss in this now I wondered.Why don't you tell your Ex boyfriend Evans that you are dating your boss that way he will stay off Ella suggested. Thank you for your suggestion Ella but I don't think that will solve any problem rather it will make it worse I replied,how is it going to make it worse Ella asked.

I already told you that Evans pointed out that he knew that my boss is a billionaire and he want me to pay back all that he spent on me while we are dating,,he said that my decision will cost me and am thinking that maybe he had something against me just that I don't know what is it. What if I tell him that am dating my boss and he will use whatever it is he had against me and blackmail me where will I get the money to pay him then.

Hmm this is deep you know you are so smart that's make wonder sometimes how or what pushed you to date that Evans of a guy Ella said while looking at me curiously. Stupidity Ella am plainly stupid then I thought he loved me but now I know better. Through out that day we we did not come up with any tangible solution and we ended up gossiping and watching movies.

Monday morning am in my office going through some files when I heard a knock at the door,I asked the person on the other side to come in,the door opened and Rose came in. Am surprised to see Rose in my office cause since I started working here Rose have never been to my office all our interaction is always outside,corridor or her office, for her to be in my office it must be something important.

Hi Rose good morning I greeted, Good morning Sarah you must be wondering why am here she replied. Wow not beating around the bush are we? just straight to the point,my kind of person I mumbled to myself. Yes am surprised that you are in my office you have never been here before I said.

I noticed you and Boss are getting close so I want to know what's your mission here she asked. Hmm this question again why did they keep asking me this particular question, I don't have any mission am just here to work and earn money why can't they get it.

Rose you are the second person that is asking me this question, what's going on I asked,who is the first person that asked you this question she asked back. Jezz it seemed like this lady like to answer question with question.