
Chapter Six

Third Person POV

Two hours later George and Sarah are already sitting while waiting for the investors so that the meeting can commence. When the meeting started George presented his proposal of the project to the investos after his presentation the investors ask him to give them until evening so that they can discuss within themselves.

When the meeting ended George decided to go to his room and take a nap while he waits for their call he was on his way to his room when he saw his Ex Annabel with her husband smiling to each other.

He hid behind the nearest pillar cause he is not ready to meet the lady that broke his heart into pieces without looking back, the woman that betrayed him and turn him into the monster that he is today even after three years he is not ready to meet her face to face.

Instead of going to his room he diverted to the bar to drown his recently opened wounds in alcohol no matter how long it has been it still hurts especially seeing her all smiles. George stayed at the bar till 10 PM and he is dead drunk already. Sarah on the other hand has been looking for her Boss to tell him that the investors called her when they couldn't reach him and they have given their verdict but he is no where to be found.

Sarah was still looking for her Boss when her phone started ringing it was an unknown number she picked the call the person on the other line explained that he is a bartender at the bar in the hotel that there is a man here sleeping that he gave him Sarah's number before he passed out.

Sarah already know that her Boss is at it again she rushed to the bar,the scene that she met upon entering the bar is amusing to her the Almighty CEO of Vin Company laying on a couch in a bar,a public place for that matter she really need to take pictures for souvenir this picture will always remind her that her Boss is still human.

Sarah with the assistance of the bartender took George to his room after making sure that her Boss laid down comfortably on the bed. Sarah turned to leave when she notice that her Boss is mumbling something out of curiosity she went closer to understand what he is saying all she heard is Anna why,why did you do that Anna I love you and you know that.

Sarah hearing all these her brain started working like a clock who is this Anna from the way her Boss is mumbling her name seem like she is the lady her Boss loves maybe if she can find this Anna and make sure that Anna and her Boss reunited again maybe her Boss will stop been mean and he will be happy and that will mean that she will have peace of mind while working for him and the whole thing clicked yes bring Boss and Anna back will be one of my priority now Sarah mumbled.

George POV

I wake up in the morning with a banging headache I am already regretting drinking so much yesterday to the extent that I passed out if only all these alcohol that I consumed will take away all the pain but that is impossible rather it will numb it for sometime but the pain is still there, I get down from the bed there is a glass of water and two tablets of advil on the table I silently thanked whoever that placed the water and drug cause he or she is an angel.

I took the drug with water and walked into the bathroom to take my bath,after showering I am dressing up when I heard a knock at the door , I answered the door standing at the door is Sarah.

What are you doing here? I glared at her,uhhm am here to inform you about the result of the meeting yesterday the investors called me when they couldn't reach you to tell you that they accepted the proposal and that they look forward to working with us Sarah answered.

Sh*t I already forget about the investors the main reason of me being here,if not that I saw Annabel yesterday this will not happened if not that Sarah is here I will lose this deal all because of the same Annabel I have to get my sh*t together.

I want to apologize to Sarah for glaring and almost yelling at her earlier but I changed my mind at the last minute am the boss I don't need to apologize to my assistant when I open my mouth to talk Sarah already left. I reprimanded myself to never let my guard down and become soft again.

Since I wake up I have been wondering how I end up in my room maybe the bartender brought me to my room. I return to the bar to ask the bartender what happened how did I get to my room but he is no longer there,the bartender there is the one doing the morning shift. Well next time I will be here I will ask him and thank him properly.