
Chapter Five

George POV

I have been working with Sarah for one week now,I know by now she will see me as an extremely strict person or even a monster but I don't care cause that is the goal,because I want her to be serious and not relax with me that will remind me this is all business.

You might be wondering why am like this well I am doing all these for myself I don't want what happened to repeat itself again this time around I am more careful with my assistant.


Three years ago there is this girl that was my assistant her name is Annabel,Anna for short, she is beautiful tall,hour glass shaped. I was attracted to this beauty and she is hardworking too what else could I ask for,she is the perfect woman so I thought.

Because of how dedicated she is to her work and the company,I introduced her to my world I mean the in and out of my company I am doing all this cause am in love with her. I really love her and am already planning my future with her she will be my wife and we will be running the company together.

I confessed my feelings to her which she accepted we started dating believing that she love me the way am in love with her. We have been dating for six months and everything was going well when I noticed that there is another company that is trying to imitate my company,for example their mode of operation is similar to mine like when they advertised their company it is similar to mine but little difference here and there.

I did not pay much attention to them but little cautious. It happened that there is a competition coming up in this competition every company involved will present their design. The company that wins will be the one to be awarded the contract, The contract stipulates that 30% of income that comes from the hotel that was designed and constructed will be going to the  company that wins the competition.

I am confident that I will win the competition cause I have seen the other company previous work and that give me insight about how they think while they design their work with that they are no match to what I have in mind for this competition the only company I have not seen their work is Melbel Company because they are new.

During the preparation for the competition my team and I worked day and night for the project my assistant slash girlfriend Anna was there with me through out the whole time she was there giving me moral and physical support that I needed,one of the reason I love her so much she is always there for me.

On the day of presentation I presented my design every other company presented theirs as well but what shock me is Melbel company Design it's more like mine but you can't say it's mine but been the original creator I know this is my idea. I can't claim this is my idea because theirs are more modified more brighter more refined like the designer saw my work but rectified my mistakes and make it better and at the end of the day Melbel company won the competition.

Am shock and speechless at what happened cause am sure of winning could it be that one of my team member betrayed me. After the competition ended I came back wanting to cry on my girlfriend shoulder about my failure and be comforted by her but she is no where to be found I searched everywhere,but I still can't find her I don't know which is worst me losing the competition or my missing girlfriend am more worried about my girlfriend maybe something bad happened to her.

One Saturday morning I was at home nursing my loss and grieving over my missing girlfriend when  my phone dinged and its a message from my best friend Max,I opened the message what I saw cut my breathe it seems my heart  is been twisted inside I can't breath for some minutes behold my Lost Girlfriend is getting married to no other person but the CEO of Melbel company Melvin Black.

Now it all make sense starting from the company's name,to their mode of operation and them winning the competition Annabel was using me to develop their company,all these while I thought that she truly love me and care for me but it was all fake. I was mad at myself for been a fool and also devastated and heartbroken. It took me six months and intervention of my mother to get back on my feet again.


After three years of Annabel incident I have never had any assistant until Sarah so am not going to let my guard down this time around that's why when it come to relationship I don't do relationship any more I just sleep with women and leave. If she sees me as a monster I don't care cause once bitten twice shine.