
Chapter Seven

Sarah POV

When I wake up in the morning I headed to my Boss room I knocked on the door no response I gently opened the door and checked whether he is still sleeping and it turns out that he is still sleeping.

I fetched a glass of water and two tablets of advil I placed the two on the table and left to freshen up and have my breakfas. After freshen up and having my breakfast I returned to my Boss room to check on him again.

Getting to the door I listened for any movement inside and surely there is sound of foot shuffling around that only means he is awake. I knocked on the door when he opened the door he glared at me as if am the source of his problem, I wanted to ask him how he is feeling cause I know he will be dealing with hangover as a result of his heavy drinking yesterday but with the way he glared at me I swallowed what am about to say and informed him about the investors accepting the proposal and they called me since they can't reach him.

The look on his face this time around looked like someone that want to apologize but I wave it off immediately that's my imagination running wild how can the monster himself apologize to me who died and made him capable of apologizing.

Later in the day we headed back to the office cause we are done with the business that brought us to the hotel reaching the office we tidy up the remaining work and also get ourselves ready to work on the project that was approved,at the end of the day I packed up and headed home.

Getting to my house in front of my gate stood Evans my Ex boyfriend the most despicable human being on earth,God in heaven knows that I don't have the energy to listen to Evans stupidity this evening all I wanted to do is to take a shower and sleep till tomorrow morning and that alone will energize me for tomorrow work and my Boss torture but here is Evans.

Ever since we broke up he has been pestering me Dude can't take no for an answer he still have not come to the terms that we are over he has this feeling that am entitled to him, I have tell him over and over again that I am done with him because I can't take his continuous cheating anymore. I approached my gate when Evans gave me his stupid smile.

Evans What are you doing here? I thought I made it clear that I don't want to have anything to do with you and I don't want you hovering around my compound or me do you want me to get a restrictions order for you before you leave me alone I asked him. The idiot continued with his irritating smile.

Sarah why are you been so mean to me, acting like am disgusting to you or is it because of the job that you got, well congrats on your new job and also am here to discuss business with you not the other way round Evans said.

To say that I am surprise is an understatement cause I  expected him to start with his normal rubbish and another thing that surprised me I don't know how he get to know that I got a job. Well is Evans we are talking about here he is beyond my comprehension you never can tell with him.

He started laughing I guess he saw the confused look on my face, I have my own ways of getting any information that I have interest in and you my darling is my interest now, I know the company you are working for,your Boss, the capability of your company Evans declared.

I am already panicking cause I know that anything that have to do with Evans is not good at all. Tsk tsk Sarah this is not the time to panick this is time for you to listen to my business proposal for you,let us work together and according to my informant the company you are working at worth billions which means that your Boss is a billionaire......

I cut him off cause I couldn't bear to hear any other nonsense that is coming out of his mouth what ever it is that you are planning count me out cause I will never be part of it I said to him. Sarah I spent a lot on you while we are dating don't you think that it's time for you to pay me back and your company seem to be the best option said Evans.

I want to slap the smile off his stupid face but I held my anger in I can't lose my cool because of this excuse of a human being,I reassured him that whatever that is going on in his mind that I will not be part of it and am not doing any sh*t for him. Don't worry Sarah with time you will dance to my tunes I have you where you least expect it.

I don't know what he means by I will dance to his tunes or he have me where I least expected it but one thing I know for sure is that I will never succumb to him rather I will quit my job. I rather become jobless than have any business with that excuse of a human being.