
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Eight

Third Person POV

How long have this been going on? Mrs Vincent asked. This is the second time she approached me and threatened me, Sarah answered looking quiet shaken cause she still remember that creepy smile. And nobody deemed it necessary to tell me? Mrs Vincent inquired looking so upset that nobody told her what is going on. Sorry mum please don't be mad at us just that we don't want you to be worried, Sarah tried to explain. For me not to be worried? Are you kidding me right now? Anyways I don't have any problem with you but my son, Mrs Vincent stated.

Sarah I have to go now but I will escort you to the company cause there is no guaranty that crazy woman is not around here, there is a possibility that she is still hanging around, Mrs Vincent said to Sarah. Okay Mum but you have to go home immediately cause we don't know what she is up to yet, Sarah advised. Sarah is still afraid cause she still remember that creepy smile, and it creeps her out and her instinct kept telling her that Anna is up to no good. Sarah and Mrs Vincent arrived at the company, Mrs Vincent stayed at her car to make sure that Sarah entered the company unscratched.

The men Rose tasked to follow Sarah everywhere she goes, reported to Rose what transpired inside the cafe. Rose asked them to tightened the security around Sarah, they should not allow Anna to approach Sarah the way she approached her today. When Rose dropped the call with her security men, her personal phone started ringing and the person calling her is no other than Mrs Vincent. Rose is already expecting the call from her cause they already informed her that Mrs Vincent is there with Sarah when Anna approached them.

Hello Liz, how are you? Rose asked feigning ignorance of what happened earlier. Save me that Rose, how could you not tell me what is going on?! Mrs Vincent asked almost shouting. Calm down Liz I have my reason for not telling you and I have everything under control, Rose told Mrs Vincent in order to calm her down. You have everything under control but Anna approached Sarah today, what do you have to say about it? Mrs Vincent queried Rose. Liz today is a mistake cause the people I tasked to follow Sarah don't want Sarah to know that they are following her cause that's what George instructed cause he don't want Sarah to be uncomfortable, Rose explained.

I don't understand what you and George tend to achieve with this setting but make sure that no harm will come to Sarah or I will never forgive you, Mrs Vincent stated and end the call. Rose sighed deeply cause she already met with Melvin and the poor man is helpless with what his wife is turning into. Melvin told Rose that he have done everything possible to change his wife but all his effort are abortive and he claimed that his wife have no mental illness and if she have he is not aware of it.