
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Nine

Mrs Vincent POV

Am beyond furious now, how could they hide such from me. That witch that calls herself Anna is back to torment Sarah, can't she just accept the fact that she was beat hands down at her own game, why is she so bitter about it. She should accept defeat just like her husband did. I need to call my son and Rose and have face to face meeting with them cause I don't think that their security measures to secure Sarah is enough, so I have to give them what I think is the best thing to do.

I called Rose and George to come to my place, evening time they arrived at my place, the two of them know that am really mad at them. Liz you called for us, Rose mumbled but I heard her perfectly well cause the whole mansion is as quiet as a graveyard cause everyone is afraid of my wrath. Yes I called for you two, first am really mad at you two for hiding such an important information from me, secondly you guys didn't think of the possibility of Anna approaching me instead of Sarah, how am I going to face the situation if am not briefed beforehand? I asked them. I know that am being over dramatic but they call for it.

Liz am sorry is just that you have a lot of things in your hands right now and we don't want to add to your burden and if you are looking for anybody to blame, that person will be me cause am the one that requested that George should not tell you anything, Rose apologized and explained. I turned to my son, young man have you suddenly go dumb that you can't explain your own part? I asked him while standing at akimbo. It's as Aunty Rose explained, George said. I sat down so that we can go down to business cause there is no more time for drama now cause every minute is precious.

Enough of the apologies, can you two update me on the security measures taken so far? I asked them. My security team and George team are guarding Sarah in the shadow, Rose said. You already told me that before and Anna still approach Sarah today, so tell me something new, I demanded. There is nothing new the only thing new now is that the security team now know what Anna look like so that mistake will not repeat itself again, Rose assured me. The truth is if there is anyone that is capable of ensuring Sarah safety, the person is no other than Rose I believe in that Lady capability.

I will hold you to your word just ensure that Anna don't get any where close to Sarah, I instructed. Sure Liz I will do that, Rose said. I really like the fact that Rose now call me by my name it took her years for her to do that, forget about Rose structure we are age mate but she look younger. Mum what about me? Am also in danger you know, what security measures do you put in place for me? George asked while pouting. I rolled my eyes at his antics cause he is the one that put Sarah in this situation and also Steve is investigating Sarah as well and I don't know when that snake will strike.

George I think you should be more focus in ensuring Sarah safety than asking what security measures I put in place for you cause as it stands now Sarah seem to be the target, I told him sternly. But George continued pouting mumbling incoherent words but I decided to ignore him cause it's obvious that he want to get my attention. So I have a suggestion to make and of course is about how to make sure that Sarah is well secured, I announced.

Okay shoot what is the suggestion? Rose asked. I think Sarah should move in with George that way he will ensure that she is safe all the the time, that's my suggestion, I said looking at the face to see what their reaction is like. George face is so red am sure he is really embarrassed while Rose is smiling knowingly. Mum you know this suggestion of yours is very absurd, George stated. Why? I asked cause I can't see anything absurd with what I just suggested and more to it their generation do it like it's a norm these days. Mum Sarah and I just started dating and it will be improper if I ask her to move with me and Sarah don't strike to me like that kind of a girl who can live with a man without been legally married to her, George explained.

Then Marry her cause I don't see what is stopping you from doing the right thing, I responded cause it will not be a bad idea if these two get married because of the situation they found themselves in, they already love each other right? Marry her? Mum are you even listening to me at all? We just started dating for Christ sake and you are talking about moving in and getting married, wait mum are you taking the advantage of this situation to fulfill your life goals? George asked looking intently at me.

George am just suggesting what I think is the right thing to do, is now up to you to accept my suggestion or not, I said cause I can see he is not happy with my suggestion. Mum I will not go with your suggestion, I know it's not safe now for every one of us and you suggesting what you think is the best but I don't want to take advantage of what is happening now and ask Sarah to move in with, I want a situation if we decided to live together tomorrow it will be because that's what we want not what situation made us to chose, George stated. I know he have a point that's why I will not push it further and just let them sort themselves out. I second what George said just let them sort themselves out, Rose butted in.