
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Seven

Third Person POV

Sarah arrived at the cafe where Mrs Vincent is waiting for her, Mrs Vincent smiled widely when she saw Sarah approaching where she is seated. Sorry for keeping you waiting, Sarah apologized the moment she arrived at where George mother is seated. There is no need for you to apologize dear, am the one who interrupt your work and am sure that my son is not happy that you are here with me instead of being with him, Mrs Vincent commented. Sarah smiled at her and held her hand, yes you are right he is not thrilled that am here with you but I can assure you that he understand perfectly well, Sarah told George mother.

Okay if you say so, what do you say about us hanging out tomorrow, Mrs Vincent proposed while smiling mischievously cause she already pictured how George will crumble his face if he heard of this. Mum I will love to hang out with you tomorrow but I already have somewhere I need to be tomorrow, Sarah told her. Where? Do you have a date with George? Mrs Vincent asked cause she is curious to know if her son is making her proud or he is dulling. There is this party that I will attend tomorrow with George, Max and my best friend, Sarah answered.

When Mrs Vincent heard that Sarah is attending a party tomorrow with George, she quickly sent a message to her son.

Mrs Vincent : "I heard you will attend a party tomorrow with Sarah, I hope you ensure that she have a befitting outfit for the party?" 

George saw his mother message and smiled, my mum is really a worrywart and a perfectionist she will definitely skin me alive if I did not get a befitting outfit for Sarah, George muttered.

George : Mum don't you trust your son again, of course I already arranged for that but don't tell Sarah cause I want it to be a surprise".

Mrs Vincent read her son message and smiled, "yes that's my son, I know you will never disappoint" she muttered. Huh? Are you talking to me? Sarah asked cause she heard George mother talking but she can't comprehend what she said. No dear am not talking to you just a message I got from my assistant, Mrs Vincent lied to Sarah cause she don't want to spoil the surprise that her son prepared.

Tell me Sarah what's going on between your best friend and Max? Mrs Vincent asked out of nowhere. Sarah was shocked at the question that was thrown at her, how did she know about them? She mused. I know you are wondering how I know that something is going on though I don't know in details what exactly is going on but Max is like a son to me so whatever that is going on in his life concerns me, Mrs Vincent stated when she noticed the confused look on Sarah face.

Well there is nothing much going on between them, they are still at the friendship level though Max already made his intention to date Ella known to Ella but the latter is afraid to be committed to Max cause of his reputation, Sarah explained to George mother. Mrs Vincent heaved a sigh, she anticipated this kind of a thing to happen to Max, she know that when Max eventually fall in love with someone it will be difficult for him to convince that person. I understand your friend fears if am in her shoes I will be afraid too but I hope she will give him chance to prove himself cause I can attest to the fact that Max is now a change man, Mrs Vincent said to Sarah.

While they were talking, Sarah felt a chill run down her spine, that feeling you get when you notice that someone is glaring at you. She looked around the cafe she saw Anna staring at her more like glaring and she don't even try to cut the eye contact, Sarah lower her gaze and turned to George mother. Mum I think we should leave, Sarah suggested to her. What do you mean by leave,we have not stay long or are you that desperate to go back to George? Mrs Vincent asked with that teasing smile. No mum that's not the reason....... Sarah was still talking when the voice she dreaded so much interrupt her. Well well who do we have here? Mrs Vincent and soon to be Mrs Vincent, wait George have not proposed to you yet that means you are Miss Sarah, Anna said with that creepy smile of hers.

Sarah frozed at that spot, she can't believe that Anna will approach her so soon, seemed like she is stalking her and this is really bad if Anna is stalking her. What are you doing here? Mrs Vincent asked clearly furious. Sarah came back to reality when she saw how furious George mother is, she is aware that George did not tell his mother what is going on cause he don't want her to be worried. Hello to you Mrs Vincent longest time, Anna said to George mother while smiling like someone that is not mentally stable.

Am asking for the last time, what are you doing here? Mrs Vincent asked again shooting daggers at Anna. Well Mrs Vincent the last time I checked this is a public place which means that everyone is welcome in here, so I have every right to be here, Anna stated. Yes you are right you have every right to be here but right now you are trespassing and if you don't leave this table at this moment I will call the security on you, Mrs Vincent threatened. Okay okay I will leave but Sarah I want you to know that I have my eyes on you, Anna said to Sarah and leave their table while laughing like a maniac.

Sarah look like someone that just saw a ghost, this is really serious and I don't think that lady is mentally stable. Since when have this been going on? Mrs Vincent asked cause she is sure that George and Sarah are not telling her something.