
My 5 Adorable Husbands

Mo Hai is her name, and she enlisted in the military to train to be an officer. Her first mission, however, sent her tumbling into a strange dimension where she encountered five beastmen whose presence would change her life forever.

Roo_Roo · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Uncle, uncle, uncle don’t be mad

The two begin walking again, hand in hand. It isn't long until the sun begins to set, casting its golden light across the horizon. Soon after, the sky darkens, and the stars come out to play.

Eventually, Mo Hai's head starts to nod off, but she forces herself to stay awake, afraid that if she fell asleep now, she would miss her chance to talk to Zou Guanting.

They walk for hours, hand in hand, until at last, they reach a small clearing. Mo Hai has never seen such beautiful scenery in all her life. In front of her stretches a vast plain, covered in grass and wildflowers.

To one side is a thick forest, while to the other lies a stream, which flows into the ocean far away.

On either end of the clearing are large rocks that protrude from the ground, forming a perfect circle.

It almost looks like a stage or a pedestal.

Mo Hai is transfixed by this surreal sight. It's exactly how a painting would look if it were to depict paradise on Earth.

Then, from the edge of the forest comes a sound, making Mo Hai jump.

Liu Yifan?

How can he be here?

He's supposed to be in the alpaca tribe, It looks like he chased them as he seems to be panting gasping for air, "I..."

Zou Guanting stared at this man in hate 'This stupid spit launcher followed us like a creep.'

Liu Yifan looked over and saw Mo Hai, his face brightening, acting surprised as if he just noticed her "Mi... Hai!" he called out, running towards her.

"Liu Yifan!" Mo Hai cried, quickly jumping aside as Liu Yifan ran straight into her arms.

"Mai! You're alive!" Liu Yifan said, wrapping her arms around Mo Hai and giving her a big hug, Mo Hai winces, feeling sharp pain from the hug.

"Y-you're not hurt?" Liu Yifan asked, pulling slightly to see Mo Hai's expression.

"...No." Mo Hai replied. She was still in shock from seeing him so suddenly.

Zou Guanting grimaced at how close these two are but he didn't say a word, he couldn't bear to watch anymore. He turned his gaze away and began to leave when he heard Liu Yifan call out behind him.

"Hey, hey, where do you think you're going?" Liu Yifan called out, chasing after him.

Zou Guanting stopped dead in his tracks, turning around slowly, "What do you want with me?"

"You don't have to pretend, I know who you are," Liu Yifan answered, smiling.

"Do you really?"

"Yes. You're Fatty Guanting from the Jaguar tribe, The black sheep of the tribe..." Liu Yifan said, staring up at Zou Guanting.

"So what if I am? What does that matter?" Zou Guanting said coldly.

"But that means that you must be my uncle then, right?" Liu Yifan said excitedly.

"What...? I'm a Jaguar…You're an donkey or something, Did you bump you're head while chasing us?" Zou Guanting said angrily.

"Uncle, Uncle. …Are you angry because I called you fat?" Liu Yifan said, tilting his head curiously.

Zou Guanting glared at Liu Yifan, trying to hold himself back from punching him in the face.

"Ahh, I'm sorry uncle, I won't do it again," Liu Yifan said, bowing apologetically.