
It was Summer

Just when I was still thinking about why Miguel was overreacting, someone dashed into my room and when I looked at who it was, it was Aquita. I raised my brow as I have never seen her act that way before.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"You shouldn't let him leave like that".

"What are you talking about"?

"Your brother, I'm talking about your brother. I don't care about the bad blood between the both of you but he can't die yet".

"You make it sound like he is still going to die".

Aquita said nothing and just dashed out of the room

I was confused but didn't have the time for all that drama. Meanwhile, Miguel drove to his house which was pretty close to the outset of the city. It was a small-looking carbin that had everything he needed. He often comes here to clear his head.

When he got into the house, he fell to his knees and kept staring at space. Then suddenly, he began to laugh. He was laughing so much that one would feel he had gone crazy.

Miguel was laughing so much that he didn't realize that tears were already beginning to fall from his eyes.

He fell to the floor and nothing but silent tears were dropping to the ground he wasn't smiling or crying, he just lay on the floor and let the tears drop.

Ever since he was a child, he always sorted out the attention of his sister. He would follow her everywhere and try to do everything for her but she never noticed it.

Memories came flooding Miguel's head and the reality of not ever being accepted by his sister hurt so much it burnt and just when he felt like it burnt only on the inside, he began feeling physical pain as well.

He felt his chest getting burnt but there was no fire, he was in grave pain and he just kept rolling on the floor in pain.

When Aquita left Cleo, she ran out into the street and got a taxi. She knew exactly where Miguel was so she used Summer's body to get there and her money to pay for the cab fare.

When she got there, she saw him rolling on the floor. She already knew he was in pain but she didn't know it would be this serious. She rushed to him and placed her hand on his chest.

When she did that, a sort of white light appeared on her hand and passed into his body. After a while, he calmed down and slowly opened his eyes.


Aquita was glad since he was still seeing her as Summer or so she thought. When Miguel opened his eyes, the first face he saw was that of Aquita and then Summer and then Aquita's face appeared again. He kept seeing two people's faces, he was sure he knew Summer but when he saw Aquita's face, he said to himself.

'Who are you?'.

It appeared the only word that came out was 'you'.

"Are you okay?"

He just kept looking at her and said nothing. Right now, Aquita's face was gone and the only face he could see was that of Summer. They stayed there for a while before Summer helped him to the car and drove him home. On their way home, Summer kept thinking.

'What is wrong with me, how did I get there? I'm very sure that I was running somewhere, was I running to him? Ahh, this is annoying why don't I remember my actions'.

Somehow, Summer had pushed Aquita out of her body once again, and just like before, She didn't like how she felt after having her body being taken over.

Cleo and her mom were sitting in the living room while discussing some things before they heard someone growl in pain. When they turned around, they saw Miguel with his hand on Summer's shoulder and Summer's hand around his waist trying to help him stand.

Miguel's mom stood up and went towards them which made Summer bow a little while Cleo just kept looking at the whole scene with her hands folded above her chest.

"I found him injured somewhere outside the house".

Summer said and by this time, some guards already arrived and took him to his room while his mom followed.

Cleo kept looking at Summer. She tilted her head to the side when she realized that Summer was trying so hard to avoid her and when Summer became extremely uncomfortable, she bowed trying to excuse herself.


She immediately paused but she didn't turn around. All she could hear was the sound of footsteps and when Cleo got close enough, she couldn't help but shiver a little.

"What are you doing?"

Cleo asked and Summer turned around startled by how close Cleo was.

"I...I apologize, I never meant to get involved with any of your family business".

"That's not what I was asking you know".

Summer raised her head to look at her but then immediately dropped it down again.

Cleo kept coming closer and Summer kept moving back.

"Why are you avoiding me?"

Summer raised her head and looked at her with wide eyes as though she knew she had committed a sin that would lead to her death.

"I'm...I'm..I'm not ignoring you, how could I possibly do that".

"So you mean I'm mistaken?"

"Yes, yes that's it. It's a misunderstanding".

I nodded my head and waved for her to leave and she literally ran away as if she was being chased by a four-eyed monster.

"She's weird". I heard the voice and I already knew who it was.

"You left earlier as if you'd never come back again".

"It's not like I have a choice".

"I see you are getting quite comfortable, you are pretty informal these days".

"Do you have a problem with it?"

I said nothing and with my arm still folded together, I just stood there and waited for her to continue.

"Anyway, don't you feel your personal assistant is weird"?

"She's only that way because of what she saw"

"That's not what I mean, I mean, she can push me out of her body at will and what's even more weird is that she seems to remember a few things during the time that I possess her body".

"Is that even possible?"

"Who...are you talking to?"

Just then, I turned around and yet again, it was Summer.