
Her eyes were red

I ignored her question and asked her mine.

"What are you doing here?"

She simply came closer and spoke.

"Well, I wanted to inform you that you have a business meeting later today".

I raised my brow as I couldn't comprehend what it was that she was talking about.

"What do you mean by business meeting? It's the weekend".

"I just got a call saying that the contract between our company and Global Miles Co-operation might get canceled".

"What? How did this happen and why didn't you tell me sooner?"

I didn't wait for her response and immediately dashed upstairs to get changed.

My company was a very big one no doubt but Global Miles was on a completely different level. This deal meant a lot to my company and I just knew I couldn't lose it.

In no time, we were on our way to the meeting. Summer and I sat in the same car so I could ask for some information.

"Give me the briefing as to why they do not want to collaborate with us anymore".

"Well, they didn't bring in any complaint ma'am. They just said they didn't want to do business with us anymore".

I looked at her with a stern expression.

"They had no reason"?

"Yes, ma'am".

She replied with her head bowed. I looked back at my tablet trying to prepare every possible way that would make them change their decision then I asked her again.

"When did the information come in".

She remained silent for a while so I turned around to look her right in the face but she had her head down.

"So..." I asked her again

"When did the information come in"?

She still didn't say anything and then I was beginning to get pissed.

"You know how much I hate to repeat myself".

She began to nod her head like a woodpecker and then I said


She then began to stutter and she said

"Uhm, uhm...it came in around 5:00 a.m. this morning.

I looked at her in disbelief.

"How could you have been this naive? It came in that early and I am just finding out now"?

"I'm very sorry ma'am, I had so much on my plate".

"What exactly did you have on your plate that you couldn't have pushed away to let me know something as important as this? All you did was walk around and do the things that did not concern you at all and yet you tell me you had a lot on your plate"?

"I apologize ma'am".

Cleo was fuming with anger right now but so was Summer.

'Why is she blaming me for everything? It's not like it's my fault. I mean, I almost saw her kill someone. Doesn't she know how traumatizing that can be? And it's not like I wanted to go and save him I didn't even know how I got there'.

But then she noticed that Cleo turned around to look at her and she immediately bent her head down again.

'What...what was that, did she hear what I said'?

She looked at Cleo again but right now, she was not even bothered about her. Instead, she was bothered by the fact that she could hear everything that Summer was thinking.

When they got to the venue for the meeting, Cleo was looking around and at every turn she made, she heard voices. It was as though everybody was talking in her ears. She could hear what everybody was thinking and it wasn't pleasant at all.

She tried her possible best to ignore it and went into the building but when she got into the building, it only got worse as they were more people inside than out. She saw Mr. Jason sitting on a chair and waiting for her but she just couldn't take another step.

She kept hearing these voices and it was very uncomfortable. She knew this was her last chance but she also knew that there was no way she could stay here and concentrate. Knowing that she would definitely blow this, she dashed out of the building and went back into her car.

Summer looked at her totally confused as to what was happening. She was with the file and the tablet that her boss had prepared so she moved towards Mr. Jason and handed them all over and then ran out to meet her boss.

When Summer got to the car, she tried to open the backseat but it was locked. So she tried the passenger seat in front and luckily for her, it was opened but there was no driver in it so she went to the driver's seat and immediately ignited the vehicle taking her boss home as soon as possible.

When they got home, she turned around to see her boss and inform her that they were home but what she saw made her move back in fear.

Her boss's eyes were closed but the skin on her right hand look like that of a snake or a lizard or a crocodile or something of that sort.

Summer couldn't quite place it right but it didn't look like something normal and she was so startled that she felt she was going to pee her pants. She didn't even notice but she began to move back and then suddenly, Cleo opened her eyes and it turned out that her eyes were completely red.

Summer screamed and dashed out of the car, not like she wanted to but she had never witnessed anything like this before so it wasn't something she couldn't easily digest. After summer had left the car, Cleo finally heaved a sigh of relief as there was nobody close by so there was nothing to hear.

She then turned around to look for her phone. That was when she noticed that she had scales all over her right hand. She scanned through the other parts of her body to see if any other part had things like that but, no, there was nothing else. Then she took out a mirror from her bag to check her face and noticed that her eyes were red and her neck also had scales.

She was terrified of herself and suddenly she began to hear footsteps.