
Stop trying

I jumped up from my seat and wanted to rush towards her so I could tell her that what she saw was all a misunderstanding. But then, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Call it pride but I didn't feel like I needed to explain myself to her at all.

I spent the entire day being extremely busy, so busy that I totally forgot that I was supposed to go to the hospital. It was late in the evening when I was on my way back home that I was reminded by my driver.

So I quickly rushed back to the hospital to check up on him. When I got there, he was already conscious and talking to my mom but when he looked at me, I could see the fear in his eyes I didn't know how I was going to explain it to him but I would definitely find my way.

I tried moving closer but I noticed he was trying to move further away even though there was just nowhere else to go.

My mom noticed my presence, held my hand, and took me outside.

"What is going on? He keeps saying you pushed him. I know you both can have your misunderstandings once in a while. But I don't believe you can push him that hard".

I said nothing and just kept listening. There was nothing I could say at this moment.

"Talk to me Cleo, what is going on?"

"Nothing mom, nothing is going on. I'm a little bit tired and it appears that he's not ready to see me so, I'll just be on my way home".

"How can you even say that Cleo? You're his only sister".

"What do you expect me to do huh? Go to his knees and begin to kiss his feet as he refuses to talk to me?"

I sighed in frustration and continued.

"You know how I am mom, I do not have the time for whining and crying. If he actually believes I did that to him, fine. Tell him I said hi"

After saying what I had to say, I walked out of the hospital. I was definitely not having one of my best days and I was not ready for any additional drama especially not coming from Miguel.

Thankfully, I slept peacefully that night without having any crazy dreams or any crazy visitors.

When I woke up the next morning, the sun was already up but since I was feeling too lazy to do anything, I just laid on the bed and since it was the weekend I didn't have to think about going to the office so I stayed in bed for a while till I actually got tired of lying down. I stood up from the bed and then I went to take a really refreshing shower.

I got downstairs and it was as though they were waiting for me to come downstairs before they came back from the hospital.

As soon as Miguel came into the house, the first face he saw was that of Cleo. He was uncomfortably terrified and it irritated Cleo even more, she didn't bother to say hi and just walked past them heading to the refrigerator to get water for herself.

What irritated Cleo the most was not the fact that Miguel was so scared of her but the fact that even she was not so sure about what exactly was happening to her. And that was one of the things she hated the most, not being sure about things.

I went back to my room not bothering to see if they were still in the living room or not.

When I got to my room, I closed the door and I immediately heard someone speak.


Due to how startled I was, I accidentally let go of the bottle of water in my hand.

When I turned around to see who it was, it was Miguel. I rolled my eyes as I was slightly irritated and then I went to sit on my bed while he sat on a chair in my room.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, what does it look like? I came to see if you felt any sort of remorse or pity but it appears you are still as heartless as ever".

"And why exactly should I feel pity towards you?"

"Are you kidding me?"

He asked with his brow raised and I also gave the same expression and said.

"Does it look like I'm kidding?"

He stood up and smirked while throwing his head backward in a way that showed his disbelief while I stayed there completely expressionless.

"Why are you always like this towards me? I never chose to be my father's son you know".

I folded my arms and raised my head a little so I could get a better view of him.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"You are only like this towards me because of my dad. Am I wrong?"

I said nothing and just let him blab away.

"You almost killed me and yet you feel nothing? What do I have to do to gain that sisterly affection from you? I've been trying my best you know".


That was all I said and the fuming Miguel stopped talking for a while and just looked at me.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Don't try Miguel".

I said and looked him right in the eye.

"Try to be more vivid with your words Cleo what do you mean by that?"

Right now, he was shouting and I didn't like it one bit. So I decided to speak at the same volume.

"Stop trying Miguel!!"

After saying this, I calmed down a little and continued talking.

"You can never get what you want, so stop trying".

I stood up and went closer to him. I wasn't as tall as he was so I still had to look up a little.

"Miguel, I didn't try to kill you but if that's how you feel, it's fine. I want you to know this though, I'm not going to be the type of sister you want so don't expect me to treat you any different. It's never gonna happen".

Miguel looked at his sister and smiled. Anyone who saw the look on his face would know that his smile was that which could break a million hearts. He looked so sad with a smile on his face and even though he tried really hard to hide it, it showed anyways.

Miguel walked out of his sister's room and with his still weak body, he drove out.

This was the first time he ever told me bluntly that he wanted to get my affection and though I already knew it, I was not expecting him to openly say it.