
Modern Samurai

"Modern Samurai" is a story that centers around a samurai warrior who is transported to the present day. The story begins in ancient Japan, where our protagonist, Kenji, is a loyal samurai serving his lord. One day, while on a mission, Kenji finds himself transported to the present day, where he is completely out of his element. He struggles to understand the modern world and its technology, but his samurai skills still prove to be useful in various situations. As Kenji tries to find his way back home, he discovers that he has been brought to the future for a reason. There are those who seek to exploit his skills and knowledge for their own gain, and Kenji must use his expertise in sword-fighting and combat to protect himself and others. Along the way, he also encounters other time travelers and people who are trying to figure out why they have been brought to the future.

nsgnova · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

The Escape

Kenji spent the next few hours walking the streets, trying to come up with a plan to escape the dangerous job he had been roped into. He knew that he couldn't go to the authorities, as that would only put him in even more danger.

As he walked, he caught a glimpse of a familiar face in the crowd - his old mentor, Sensei Nakamura. Kenji hesitated for a moment before approaching him.

"Sensei," Kenji said, greeting him with a bow. "It's been a long time."

Sensei Nakamura smiled warmly. "Kenji, it's good to see you. What brings you back to town?"

Kenji paused for a moment, unsure of how much to reveal. "I'm in a bit of trouble," he said finally. "I need your help."

Sensei Nakamura's expression turned serious. "What kind of trouble?"

Kenji hesitated before revealing the details of the job the stranger had offered him. Sensei Nakamura listened quietly, his face unreadable.

"I can't go through with it," Kenji said finally. "But I also can't let them come after me."

Sensei Nakamura placed a hand on Kenji's shoulder. "You made the right decision, Kenji. Violence is never the answer."

Kenji nodded, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders. But then he remembered the danger he was still in.

"But what should I do now?" he asked.

Sensei Nakamura thought for a moment before replying. "You need to disappear for a while. Lie low and stay out of sight until things blow over."

Kenji nodded, grateful for the advice. "Thank you, Sensei. I'll do that."

As he walked away, Kenji felt a sense of relief knowing that he had someone he could turn to in his time of need. He knew that he had a difficult road ahead of him, but he also knew that with Sensei Nakamura's help, he could make it through.