
Modern Samurai

"Modern Samurai" is a story that centers around a samurai warrior who is transported to the present day. The story begins in ancient Japan, where our protagonist, Kenji, is a loyal samurai serving his lord. One day, while on a mission, Kenji finds himself transported to the present day, where he is completely out of his element. He struggles to understand the modern world and its technology, but his samurai skills still prove to be useful in various situations. As Kenji tries to find his way back home, he discovers that he has been brought to the future for a reason. There are those who seek to exploit his skills and knowledge for their own gain, and Kenji must use his expertise in sword-fighting and combat to protect himself and others. Along the way, he also encounters other time travelers and people who are trying to figure out why they have been brought to the future.

nsgnova · Fantasy
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15 Chs

New Identity

Kenji knew that he needed to disappear and start over with a new identity. He had some money saved up from his previous jobs, but it wouldn't be enough to start a new life on his own. He needed to find a way to make more money and secure a new identity.

He remembered a contact from his past, a man who worked in the underground world of forged documents and identities. Kenji had never done business with him, but he had heard that he was the best in the business.

Kenji went to the man's office, located in an unassuming building on the outskirts of town. He knocked on the door and was greeted by a small, wiry man with sharp features and an intense gaze.

"I need a new identity," Kenji said, getting straight to the point.

The man looked him up and down, sizing him up. "And what makes you think I can help you?"

Kenji pulled out his wallet and showed the man a stack of cash. "Money talks," he said.

The man nodded and invited Kenji inside. Over the course of several hours, they worked together to create a new identity for Kenji. They forged documents and created a new name and backstory for him.

Kenji was nervous about using a fake identity, but he knew that it was the only way he could start over. He thanked the man and left his office, feeling both relieved and anxious.

As he walked down the street, he realized that he had no idea where to go or what to do next. He had a new identity, but he had no direction. He decided to take a walk and clear his head.

As he walked, he noticed a flyer on a telephone pole advertising a job opening at a nearby restaurant. Kenji had some experience in the food industry, and he realized that it could be a good way to earn some money and keep a low profile.

He went to the restaurant and applied for the job. The manager, a stern-looking woman with a thick accent, interviewed him and was impressed by his experience.

"You're hired," she said finally. "We need someone to start right away."

Kenji felt a sense of relief. He had a job, a new identity, and a chance to start over. But he also knew that he couldn't let his guard down. He needed to keep a low profile and stay out of trouble if he wanted to stay alive.