
Modern Samurai

"Modern Samurai" is a story that centers around a samurai warrior who is transported to the present day. The story begins in ancient Japan, where our protagonist, Kenji, is a loyal samurai serving his lord. One day, while on a mission, Kenji finds himself transported to the present day, where he is completely out of his element. He struggles to understand the modern world and its technology, but his samurai skills still prove to be useful in various situations. As Kenji tries to find his way back home, he discovers that he has been brought to the future for a reason. There are those who seek to exploit his skills and knowledge for their own gain, and Kenji must use his expertise in sword-fighting and combat to protect himself and others. Along the way, he also encounters other time travelers and people who are trying to figure out why they have been brought to the future.

nsgnova · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

The Job

Kenji waited for several days before the stranger contacted him with the details of the job. The meeting place was a dingy alleyway in the seedier part of town.

As Kenji approached, the stranger stepped out of the shadows, his face obscured by a hood.

"You're here," he said, gesturing for Kenji to follow him.

The stranger led Kenji to a rundown building and up a flight of stairs to a small room. Inside were several other men, all dressed in dark clothing and looking just as shady as the stranger.

"This is your job," the stranger said, handing Kenji a photograph of a man with a sinister-looking scar across his face. "We need him taken care of."

Kenji felt his stomach churn. He hadn't expected the job to be honorable, but he hadn't expected it to be this bad.

"I can't do this," he said, holding the photograph out to the stranger. "This isn't what I signed up for."

The stranger's eyes narrowed. "You're in too deep now," he said. "You don't get to walk away."

Kenji felt trapped. He couldn't do this job, but he also couldn't risk the consequences of backing out.

He decided to buy himself some time. "I'll need to think about it," he said, handing the photograph back to the stranger. "I'll let you know tomorrow."

The stranger didn't look happy, but he nodded and ushered Kenji out of the room.

As Kenji left the building, he knew he needed to come up with a plan. He couldn't go through with the job, but he also couldn't let the stranger or his associates come after him.

Kenji knew he needed to be smart and resourceful if he wanted to get out of this alive. But he also knew that time was running out.