
Mistakenly Wedded to a Billionaire Husband

"Marriage to me, and I'll give you everything you desire; refuse, and I'll ruin everything you have!" The man's lips curled into a devilish, bloodthirsty smile. The woman's mouth twitched, her composure wavering. "Damn it, Shang Xufeng, can't you propose with a little sincerity?" One day, someone gathered the courage to ask, "Young Master Feng, what happened to your face?" The man touched the teeth marks on his face, glanced at the woman beside him, and smiled contentedly, "Got bitten by a little bitch last night." The woman beside him calmly took over the conversation, "Xiao Gu, bring your little male dog over tonight." The man's expression changed instantly as he stood up and pulled the woman away. She asked, "What are you going to do?" He replied, "What else can I do except for you?" Everyone knew Shang San Shao was arrogant, ruthless, and cruel, yet he cherished his woman in the palm of his hand.

edison_hua · Urbain
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30 Chs

Chapter 26: Marriage Registration (1)

Shang Xufeng's greatest skill and passion lay in doing whatever pleased him, regardless of consequences. As a guest on a popular television show, he lit a cigarette and took a drag, leaving a five-minute silence that neither the host nor the audience dared to interrupt, all waiting for the woman's phone call.

After some time passed with no call, the director grew anxious. The loss would be immeasurable if things continued like this. He instructed the host to steer the conversation to a different topic.

"Mr. Shang, if Miss Qiu hasn't seen our program..."

"If she hasn't seen your program, then there's no need to continue airing it," Shang Xufeng's casually uttered words, accompanied by a sharp gaze, silenced the host immediately.

Sitting there with a lazy and elegant smile, he had already stirred countless screams and cheers from women watching in front of their televisions.

Watching everything unfold on the TV screen, Qiuling Yao bit her lip, pacing in circles, constantly asking herself whether to make the call or not. To not call would mean rejecting Shang Xufeng, potentially amplifying the impact of the photos. She would be playing right into the hands of that mother-daughter duo, perhaps bringing even greater crisis to Qi's Corporation.

Making the call, however, would mean publicly accepting Shang Xufeng's proposal in front of numerous people. Yet, this man was too dangerous; every step seemed to be within his control, leaving her feeling a sense of fear.

Qiuling Yao wished there was someone to guide her through this moment of uncertainty, someone by her side.

Suddenly, a conversation flashed through her mind.

"Xiaoyang, in life, we'll encounter dilemmas. Sometimes, we'll feel lost and unsure of what to do."

"What should we do then?"

The man patted his heart, smiling, "Ask your heart, follow your heart."

Ask your heart, follow your heart.

Qiuling Yao silently repeated these words several times, mimicking his actions by placing her right hand over her heart.

Her heart told her that she didn't want to leave A City, didn't want to succumb to that mother-daughter duo.

Hastily returning to her room, Qiuling Yao retrieved her phone and returned to the living room.

Long-pressing the digit '1', a phone number appeared, labeled 'Shang Xufeng.'

She watched Shang Xufeng on the television screen, his demeanor relaxed and nonchalant, showing no signs of impatience. The host, on the other hand, was sweating profusely, too afraid to utter a word.

"Shang Xufeng, this time I choose you," Qiuling Yao closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and made the boldest decision of her life.

With a slight movement of her fingertip, she dialed the number.

Soon, the ringing of his phone filled the television speakers. Shang Xufeng smiled, noble and charming, though only he knew that he had quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The call connected, and the man's domineering voice echoed through the receiver, "Miss Qiu, have you kept this young master waiting too long?"

"Shang Xufeng, I..." Before she could finish her sentence, the man interrupted.

"Come downstairs immediately. There's someone waiting for you downstairs." He stood up as he spoke, paying no attention to the fact that a television program was currently being filmed.

"Mr. Shang, this program..." The host was at a loss for words, torn between chasing after him and fearing the consequences of not doing so.