
Mistakenly Wedded to a Billionaire Husband

"Marriage to me, and I'll give you everything you desire; refuse, and I'll ruin everything you have!" The man's lips curled into a devilish, bloodthirsty smile. The woman's mouth twitched, her composure wavering. "Damn it, Shang Xufeng, can't you propose with a little sincerity?" One day, someone gathered the courage to ask, "Young Master Feng, what happened to your face?" The man touched the teeth marks on his face, glanced at the woman beside him, and smiled contentedly, "Got bitten by a little bitch last night." The woman beside him calmly took over the conversation, "Xiao Gu, bring your little male dog over tonight." The man's expression changed instantly as he stood up and pulled the woman away. She asked, "What are you going to do?" He replied, "What else can I do except for you?" Everyone knew Shang San Shao was arrogant, ruthless, and cruel, yet he cherished his woman in the palm of his hand.

edison_hua · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 27: Marriage Registration (2)

"Tell your station manager, Qiuling Yao is mine. If you dare to spread any false news again, you'll bear the consequences." Long after Shang Xufeng had left, these words seemed to echo repeatedly within the television station.

The host behind him kept wiping his sweat, understanding that they had stirred the hornet's nest by crossing paths with this young master of the Shang family. There was a real possibility of the entire television station being blown up.

This man was just too arrogant and conceited...

Qiuling Yao shook her head with a sigh, quickly tidied up, and headed downstairs.

Downstairs, Shang Xufeng's people were waiting. "Miss Qiu, please get in the car."

"Okay," she nodded. The man's attitude was respectful, and his movements were brisk, not like an ordinary driver.

Once in the car, the driver drove at a steady pace.

Qiuling Yao guessed that the driver was taking her to meet Shang Xufeng, but she didn't expect the meeting place to be the Civil Affairs Bureau, where she was handed her household registration booklet.

Her household registration was still under the Qi family. It was remarkable how Shang Xufeng managed to retrieve her household registration booklet from the Qi family.

While marveling at this, Qiuling Yao's heart became uneasy again. Could it be that Shang Xufeng really intended to register their marriage?

Deciding to call him, she reasoned that perhaps he only wanted to play around and wouldn't actually marry her. After all, with her reputation being so tarnished, who would willingly marry her?

She should have known better; Shang Xufeng was someone who disregarded societal norms. Perhaps he felt that marrying a girl with an untainted background was too mundane, so he genuinely wanted to marry her just to have some fun. But this was her choice, and having made it, she couldn't back down.

Qiuling Yao sat alone in the VIP lounge, awaiting Shang Xufeng's arrival. Even before seeing him, she could sense his powerful aura. It seemed like even the staff were flocking to curry favor with him.

Looking at the intimate couples waiting in line to register, she couldn't help but feel envious. After all, as the saying goes, comparisons are odious.

Lost in thought, Shang Xufeng appeared at the door.

He quickly approached with a mischievous smile. "Let's go, let's register."

Shang Xufeng didn't ask if she was willing; he spoke with his usual commanding tone, not tolerating any opposition from others.

Before Shang Xufeng's arrival, Qiuling Yao had given herself countless pep talks. Choosing him was better than being forced out of A City by that mother-daughter duo.

However, facing him now brought a different feeling. She felt afraid, afraid of this man, and worried about the unknown future.

It felt like standing at the edge of a bottomless abyss; one more step forward, and she would plunge to her doom.

But even if she were to plunge to her doom, this was her choice. So, she told herself she had no regrets.

Qiuling Yao's hands clenched tightly at her sides, nails digging into her flesh. Yet, she managed to force a smile, despite feeling no pain. "Okay."

Shang Xufeng reached out with his long arm and pulled her into his embrace, eagerly kissing her.

Although it had only been two days, it felt like centuries to him. He missed her sweet scent, missed her so much.

His kiss was as domineering as he was, his breath overpowering hers. Qiuling Yao could do nothing but let him have his way.

One hand cradled the back of her head, while the other wrapped around her waist, exerting force as if he wanted to break her.