

He became an Agent to a special Operation. After the higher Ups discovered his dad was behind illegal business, he was put undercover to investigate his own Father and Arrest him on Spot. Meanwhile his romance girlfriend who was in the same Unit Agent was putted undercover to investigate both her boyfriend and his father_in_law and Arrest them both on Spot.

milliyfah · TV
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7 Chs

Meaning Of Life

Nutaila turned the steering wheel the car turned over Hillmi hit the brakes and managed to control the car but he managed to hit few plastic chairs. The car stopped Hillmi took a deep breath.

"Are you crazy!!!?" He saw Nutaila facing them breathing hardly while trembling and shaking scaredly.

She letted go of him and got out of the car with her things going away without saying a word.Hillmi got out and started shouting at her.

"Are you crazy or what?, If you could just hang in the a little bit I wouldv'e won this race, now you made me lose my car!!" Nutaila stoped and turned around she walked to him and slapped him in front of everyone.

"You are a totall bastard, how can you play with someone's life like that? Huh is this the way to get to know each other?, are you showing me who you really are? Do you really have to put someone's life in line just fir your stupid racing, you are nothing and you will be nothing" Nutaila hit him with a book and left. Hillmi wanted to follow her but Rhino appeard on his way to take his car keys. Hillmi lost his car. Rhino and others left. Hillmi was alone he didn't have a ride home he saw a Nutaila's book down the road he took it and left.

That day night around 2 Hillmi was getting home he saw his father in the sitting room waiting for him.

"You are late" Hillmi went to sit infront of him. He saw his father was having a drink he took a glass and gave him.

"Can I have some too, come on dad I'm a man now" Milan poured him a drink Hillmi drank it and stood walked to his room. He layed on his bed and remembered the slap from Nutaila.

"Gosh that bitch"

Early in the morning Hillmi woke up he received a notification on his mobile he opened it. It was a message from NIS he managed to be one among the selected applicants who managed to get in. He stood up and walked outside to have a breakfast. Soon as he opened his door he saw his mother was heading to the kitchen he hid and walked around her quietly he didn't wan't to cross with her. He went to the table and started eating Winy showed up to him.

"Are you avoiding me Hillmi Milan"

"Mom good morning" Hillmi stood up and gave her a kiss with a smile on his face.

"Where is your car?"

"Mom, remember what I told you about going to study?, well the results are out and I managed to pass the interview see, they told us to get ready because we are leaving this afternoon for some registration and some other activities too"

"Well Am happy for you but where is your car"

"Mom I took it to wash early"

"Okay then when you leave this afternoon make sure you give the keys" Hillmi smiled.

"Okay I will". That day afternoon Hillmi was packing his bags he left the house while crawling at the fence. All the selected applicants were told to get ready and meet all together to the main NIS building hall. There were 30 people who managed to be selected 16 men and 14 women. Hillmi managed to see Nutaila and Nutaila managed to see him. Hillmi was bery angry he was going to her Nutaila turned around.