

He became an Agent to a special Operation. After the higher Ups discovered his dad was behind illegal business, he was put undercover to investigate his own Father and Arrest him on Spot. Meanwhile his romance girlfriend who was in the same Unit Agent was putted undercover to investigate both her boyfriend and his father_in_law and Arrest them both on Spot.

milliyfah · TV
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7 Chs


The other day morning Hillmi was up early, he had an interview inside the hall . There were around 140 people doing interview and Nutaila was among them. Hillmi was looking at his paper and started thinking about Nutaila the way she was reasing yesterday.

"Oh Come on Focus you bastard" He said to himself. Later on tonigh Hillmi was getting ready to go meet with Tawhida he was inside his room. Winy showed up to him.

"Mom what are you doing here?"

"I have been received a message you canceled all your remaining 6 days why? Did you finaly get number 4?"

"No way mom, I have interview for now, I just paused okay?" Winy was staring at her son.

"Give me the car keys"

"Mom come on don't be like that, I promise you I will finish thise 7 dates okay bye now, I have to rush" Hillmi left with his car he went to the place appointed along to meet Nutaila. He saw her waiting for him.

"Hey how are you doing?"

"You are 5 minutes late Milan"

"Come on, get inside the car"

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere we must be, come on let's hurry". Nutaila got inside the car Hillmi started and drove away. He took her somewhere to the highway road where many people were partying and car racing near the mountains.

"Wait for me here" Hillmi got out of the car and left Nutaila alone. (Nutaila's phone rings)

"Hello Nadine, yes am with him right now..... oh come on Nadine he is a total bastard to me… I will call you back later" She took out her book and continued reading quietly.

Meanwhile Hillmi was outside with some people.

"Hey Hillmi, I can see you back from College"

"Hey what's up Rhino? I heard you have been beating people up while I was away" They all laughed at him.

"Don't you remember the last time you and I raced Hillmi? Let me remind you, I won you and you lost your car right what brought you now?"

"Let us race" People were laughing at him.

"Really, you want to race, with what?"

"With that" Hillmi pointed his car they all laughed once they saw it.

"Am sorry but that car, doesn't have what it takes to race me pal"

"Why are you scared, then let us bet who shall ever lose gives up his car"

"Really car to car" Rhino stared at Hillmi's car he saw a woman inside was studying.

"Okay let us go, beside nice girlfriend you got there dude"

"Well she is not my girlfriend" Nutaila was reading Hillmi got inside the car people were clearing the road for race to start. Nutaila didn't know what was going on.

"Hey what are you reading?"

"Nothing just stuffs" A woman showed up infront to start the race Rhino showed up with his car along with his girlfriend inside the car.

"Packen your seatbelt" Hillmi was saying while smiling faceing the road. Nutaila looked at him

"What do you mean?" The race started Hillmi started racing he was lead Nutaila was shicked she was pressured and started screeming. Hillmi was racing lead.

"Stop, stop the car!!!!!!!" Nutaila was screeming while hitting and slapping Hillmi.

"Calm down, it's just a little race" Hillmi payed attention on her and Rhino managed to passed him.

"You crazzy!!!"

"I said stop the car.!!!!" Nutaila turned the steering wheel the car turned over Hillmi hit the brakes and managed to control the car but he managed to hit few plastic chairs. The car stopped Hillmi took a deep breath.

"Are you crazy!!!?" He saw Nutaila facing them breathing hardly while trembling and shaking scaredly.