

He became an Agent to a special Operation. After the higher Ups discovered his dad was behind illegal business, he was put undercover to investigate his own Father and Arrest him on Spot. Meanwhile his romance girlfriend who was in the same Unit Agent was putted undercover to investigate both her boyfriend and his father_in_law and Arrest them both on Spot.

milliyfah · TV
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7 Chs


Three Agents showed up to the hall all of them gave their attention infront.

"Good afternoon everyone my name is Jakoub and I am the Director of National Intelligence Service (NIS). Congradulations you are among the selected applicants and the future agents. We take 30 people each year and at the end we only get those best of them around 15, you will all be trained and afterwards those best of you will be chosen to join the real NIS agents for now you just scouts trainers. This is Harry and Victoria they will be the ones to teach you how to be an agent, so from now I take it here we will meet again for those best agents" Jakohb walked away. Harry stood up front.

"Hello everyone, am happy to inform you that we will be together for 6 months. Those 6 months there will be no holidays, no family visiting nor calls. The bus is ready for your transportation while walking on your way to the bus there is a box just outside the door you must turn your mobiles off and put in the box along with your name attached on at the back" Harry walked away leaving Victoria to them.

"We only have one rule, If you break the rules you are out, now come on agents mive your asses hurry!!!" They all did what they were told to do and went to enter the bus. The bus started moving Hillmi was going to sit with Nutaila but a man showed up and sat with her. Hillmi went to sit with another man while staring at her. Nutaila was quiet all along.

Sometimes later they reached their destination far from the city. Nutaila was carring her bags a man showed up and helped her Hillmi was staring.

"Hey let me get that for you, my name is Vivek by the way" Nutaila smiled.

"I'm Tawhida nice meeting you" They walked away inside. Hillmi was still staring a man showed up to him.

"Hey dude, you okay?"

"Yeah am good"

"Come on we have to go inside" They too walked inside Men were given their rooms so as women. They were told to rest because early in the morning they were going to start their training. Harry was with Victoria in the office reviewing the trainees files.

"I think we are screwed this time Harry"

"What? Why?"

"The director has a spy on one among the trainees" Victoria gave Harry Vivek's file.

"Do you know him?" Harry asked surprisingly.

"He is an ex-soldier, he was sent in a mission with his unit they were elite soldiers but all of them were killed and he was the only one left, he was in a coma for three months. Jakoub was treating him and he managed to make him his weapon"

"Fine then we will too act like we don't know anything, meanwhile let's start the training tomorrow"

The day passed. Early in the morning the other day all trainees were at the compound jogging with their teachers in line Nutaila was at front Hillmi was going to her. Nutaila saw that soon after he reaches her she increased her speed and went further front. Hillmi started following her whenever she get a chance near her Tawhida increases her speed. Finaly they started chasing eachother. The teachers and other agents were looking at them. On the other side at the airport, a woman was coming out of the plane all with her boyfriend they went to get inside a car. Seems like the is a man was waiting for them.

"Hello brother, welcome to Mexico" That man was the most wanted man his name is Thomas his girlfriend was Lucia and the driver was their young brother Jasper. All of them are wanted.