
MHA: The Green Flash(Izukuxharem)

What if Naruto Uzumaki interferes with Izuku's life? What if Izuku met someone from future earlier? What if Izuku can use Chakra? Find the answers to all these what if's in my fic.

HarshaJirou · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

Chapter 18: The New Car and A Drive Around City.


3rd person POV.


Izuku just arrived home as he opened the door and he was met upon a questions over questions from Inko and the Yaoyorozu family. Izuku wasn't able to hear anything so he said in a loud tone " Ok, wait. I will answer your questions one-by-one.".

They calmed down as they all went to the hall as Yaoyorozu family sat on one-side along with Inko and Izuku was on other. Inko went first as she asked " What did you mean by modelling went you went out today.". Izuku just said " Exactly how it sounds, I got a modeling contract with a brand.".

The group were shocked as Akira first recovered and asked " How did this come to be.". Izuku sighed as he leaned back and then recounted the events that happened with Ryukyu. Everyone slowly understood why Izuku accepted as Momo asked " Don't you have your mask on while Modeling?". Izuku shook his head no as Akira again asked " But how? I never managed to convince you to even show me the face.".

Izuku then said " Well, Since I just got my license recently, I have been saving up money for a long time to get my own car. It would have taken me more years but with this contract, I will be able to buy one at the end of the contract.". Akira nodded as Inko asked " But sweety, I could have bought you a car if you asked.".

Izuku chuckled a bit as he said " I just wanted to buy it with my own money is all. Plus I am not going for the Bently range level of a car that you got 2 years ago mom.", Athena laughed a bit as she then asked " What type of car are you aiming for then?.". Izuku immediately said " One of the 7-seater ones which are both tall and give excellent service, The one I have in mind looks really good to!".

Momo then asked " Will you have time to use it cause school will start.". Izuku shrugged and said " I can get a parking pass on the first day and drive to school from the next. Plus I plan to have a small road trip around Mustafa before school begins.

Everyone nodded as they congratulated Izuku for getting his first job as Athena finally asked the most important question," Which company are you modeling for Izu-chan?". Izuku answered" Clamoir.". Suddenly Momo and Athena had stars in their eyes as Akira exclaimed " You are modeling for Clamoir's! Wow, that is one of the best global clothing brand.". Momo and Athena nodded excitedly as they are already ready to buy and read the next showcase magazine which will come out tomorrow.

Momo then asked " Was it a solo photoshoot or a duo?". Izuku said " Like I said previously, It was a duo with Ryukyu.". Momo nodded as she was internally pouting as she thought ( Ryukyu is making her moves too dammit!). Akira then asked " Can you show me your face now?".

Izuku shrugged as he said " Sure, you guys will know tomorrow anyways, so nothing to hide.". Izuku pulled down his mask revealing his face. Athena had to admit( He looked more hotter than the photo described him.). Akira was looking like he had accomplished his life dreams as he went around Izuku checking every part of his face which was also done by Inko, who also didn't see her son's face for years.


Time skip- 45 days.


The modeling contract was a huge success, The contract was even extended for 2 more sessions or 15 days as Clamoir's staff were very happy with Izuku's performance, Ryukyu only had one more duo photoshoot with Izuku after the first. The Clamoir's director after getting to know Izuku's path in future decided to follow Izuku's moments so he can sponsor him too.

In world-wide, the magazines with Izuku were very well received by the general public. Momo almost fainted out in her room looking at Izuku first Modeling magazine but managed to get by with only a small amount of blood trickling down her nose. Oh her mid-teenage mind went elsewhere alright.

Athena and Inko were singing praises on his looks which was embarrassing for Izuku. Even Akira asked for a model gig with his company regarding showcasing a new model for laptops which Izuku did agree to. Izuku had gotten 3 bonuses in total. The company wanted to hire Izuku permanently but Izuku denied as he was going to U.A academy.

Izuku is now seen to be on his way to a showroom along with a curious Momo who managed to convince Izuku to take her with him. Momo turned to Izuku and asked " Which brand are you going with.". Izuku answered " Since we are going there anyways, its Toyota.". Momo nodded as they continued walking to their location.

The 2 finally arrived at the showroom as Izuku turned to Momo and said " Wait here for a few minutes, I already pre-ordered it so I just have to pay the rest and will get it.". Momo nodded as Izuku went inside and showed the online receipt for the purchase. They manager who is at the counter happily took him to the car. It was customized to Izuku's interests. Izuku went for the top-end model as well. It costed him a total of 80,000 dollars nearly.

Momo saw a few cars coming out but non-contained Izuku as she finally saw a big car with great ground clearance, huge tires and a exotic crimson red base body with carbon roofing exiting the company. Momo had to admit. That was one very good looking car.


It stopped in front of her the window rolled down and Izuku said " Get in Momo.". Momo got in as they went out towards home, Momo was looking in awe at the carbon black interior as she praised Izuku " Wow, Izuku, You have customized it too!. It looks soo awesome inside and out. You must have spent a lot on it!". Izuku nodded as he said " It was 80K in total.". Momo had her mouth open as she exclaimed " Wow, I never thought it was that expensive almost the same cost as the land rovers too.".

Both drove home as Akira, Athena and Inko were waiting out in a table to see the car. Akira who first saw it exclaimed " Damm, now that is one hell of car, he customized it too! That is a very good color as well.". Inko was having proud tears escape her eyes as she whole-heartedly agreed to Akira.

Izuku took everyone to lunch on his account. Akira complemented the interior design as Izuku made sure it was a 8-seater with a extra seat in the middle row where there is usually space to go in the back. Since it was still day time, Izuku and everyone went to a movie and just drove around town while talking to each other.

The car had great shocks, The engine was also not much noisy to be disturbed by the passengers. The 2 families arrived home at last after having Dinner out to. It was a great relaxing day for all of them as Izuku said " Well, I will go pack up for a few days for my drive.". Inko was shocked as she asked " already?! but you just got the car.!".

Izuku said " Well mom, there is not much time left and my tour is a 1-week plan.". Momo then raised her hands as she asked " Can I go with you!.". Izuku gave a apologetic expression as he said " Sorry Momo, I am going alone this time. We can go on a tour during holidays ok?". Momo gave a dejected expression as she nodded at the after offer.

Izuku drove him and Inko to their villa after dropping of the Yaoyorozu family as Izuku went straight to his room to pack all the things he would need. He packed, 14 pairs where 7 were casual wear and 7 were sleepwear, swim shorts, power bank for his phone, A camera and basic utilities like soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush and toothpaste.

Izuku didn't have plans for comping as he already booked hotels and resorts in 7 different touring areas. He hoped it would go great as great as he thought.

Author: Not On My Watch.
