
MHA: The Green Flash(Izukuxharem)

What if Naruto Uzumaki interferes with Izuku's life? What if Izuku met someone from future earlier? What if Izuku can use Chakra? Find the answers to all these what if's in my fic.

HarshaJirou · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 19: The Trip starts and the shrine.


3rd person POV.


Izuku woke up at 6 AM. Excited for the road trip he planned, Izuku got down to the kitchen as he saw his mom making breakfast. Izuku gave her a hug from behind as he said " Good morning mom!". Inko was surprised by 2 things, Izuku almost never gave her morning hugs once he reached his teens and there was a tone of excitement in his voice. Inko thought ( He must be more excited for the trip than what I expected.).

It was true, a chibi Izuku was dancing in his mind waiting to finish breakfast and zoom out. After a while of eating breakfast, Izuku went back to his room as he went for a shower and after wearing the clothes he wanted, He came down with a suitcase and a normal backpack. Izuku gave Inko a goodbye hug which made Inko teary as this was the first time that Izuku was leaving her for a long time.

Izuku arrived outside as he stuffed the luggage into the trunk and got in the car and waved to his mom as he drove to the Yaoyorozu Mansion to say goodbye to Yaoyorozu family. Izuku got to the door and rang the bell as a maid came and opened the door. She greeted Izuku with a smile and a bow familiar with seeing him almost everyday. Izuku also gave a small wave and greeting her good morning as the maid went to wake up the still asleep family.

It took some time to wake up Akira as Athena woke up pretty quickly to wish a safe journey to Izuku as Akira woke up after a bit of shaking and a threat from Athena. Momo woke up instantly as soon as she heard Izuku was here and went straight to the mirror as she adjusted her bed hair and the wrinkled pajamas and then zoomed downstairs leaving a giggling maid.

The family pretty much came down at the same time apart from Momo crashing into Izuku and still complaining about him not taking her. Her parents laughed at the sight but helped Izuku pull off Momo from him. They wished him a safe journey though Momo has a raining cloud above her head as she wished him a safe journey.

Izuku then hit the road. Since it was still early morning. There wasn't much traffic and Izuku saw quite a few heroes just patrolling the area. 30 minutes later, Izuku finally hit the highway as he started towards his 1st destination. The Hailway resort 500 kilometers from Mustafa. It was a private beach resort with many activities there. Izuku's plan is to stay there till the next day evening and then go to a famous shrine in Kuoh city where he had booked a inn nearby too for a night rest.

You might be wondering, why did Izuku book a resort even if it was for himself. Well the resort is known for its varieties of water sports and cuisine's which Izuku was interested in and there was a circus the next day morning too. After 8 hours, Izuku maintaining appropriate speed reached the resorts and showed his phone which showed the booking document as they guided him to his suite.

Izuku put his luggage there and changed into his swimwear while also having a XL size white nylon t-shirt to cover his top. He first straight went to the water bikes. There was a time limit of 20-minutes which Izuku made the most of. He did fall off a couple times but it was part of the fun. After his time was up, Izuku parked the water bike back and was thinking what to do. He felt someone approach him as a finger tapped him in the shoulder.

He turned around and saw 2 women, one had darkish purple hair and the other had Blondie hair. Both women were fairly tall as the one with the dark midnight hair asked him, " Excuse me, Do you mind joining us for the water sofa, the minimum members required were 3 and since we saw you, we thought of asking you.".

Izuku looked at the water sofa and thought why not?, He said " Sure, I did want to try the ride too.". It was basically a couch shaped float with minimum 3 people sitting on it while it is pulled by a motor boat.". One of the women put her hand forward as she said " My name is Nemuri Kayama and this is my friend and junior Yuu Takeyama.". The blondie women waved her hand as Izuku then said " I am Izuku Midoriya, Nice to meet you 2.".

Midnight knew who he was, his performance in the entrance exam was not something which can be forgotten easily. It was really a coincidence that they met here. She was on a vacation and she pulled Yuu with her too. Meanwhile Mt. lady was confused, they were first gonna invite another women who was nearby but Nemuri suddenly dragged her to this boy.

She gotta admit tho, even though he has a mask, his body is quite hot, even more since he was drenched and his t-shirt was semi-visible. They all got in the couch as the motor boat driver took off. There was a lot of screams and shouts of enjoyment, Even from Izuku too. They all had a thorough laugh when Yuu fell of the couch when the driver made a sharp turn.

Izuku bid the 2 women a thank you for inviting him and went to the water-board sport, There wasn't a line for it sine most people were a bit scared of the sport. But Inko didn't raise no coward! Izuku went and paid the fees for it as many people see him take off as he was holding on the handle attached to a long rope which was attached to the speed boat.

Many people saw in awe at the fun Izuku was having, Izuku felt like a whole different person he knew he can be faster with his chakra but the excitement was there as he enjoyed himself. After a while, Izuku was back on line as he saw a big line in front of the water board section. The workers gave him a thumbs-up as thanks as Izuku gave a eye-smile and went off to get dinner.


Time skip- next day afternoon.


Izuku put his luggage in the car ready to leave, he had a fun time watching the circus and analyzing different quirks that the circus folk had, He even saw a couple quirkless performers who performed extremely well. After having lunch with the 2 women who he coincidently met again [ or so he think] , Izuku was ready to go to the next destination. Which was Kuoh city, where there was a well known shrine on top of a mountain which he wanted to visit.

Izuku started his car and put on the music as he hit the road, singing while driving. 90 Minutes later, He entered into the city and made his way directly to the shrine, wanting to spend the rest of the evening there and then go to the hotel he booked beforehand. Izuku put on the location of the shrine of his maps and started driving again.

30 minutes later, Izuku arrived at the base and parked his car as he started walking up the stairs, a few minutes later, he reached the summit. Izuku saw a women in a shrine maiden outfit, The women was decently tall and has a long black hair tied into a pony tail. She had yellow-amber eyes and a gentle smile on her face.

Izuku approached as he asked " Hello miss? Why is the shrine soo empty today?", The women turned around and with a smile said " Oh we closed for today, sorry.". Izuku sighed as he said " I came from far town since it was a famous one.". Shuri felt a bit bad for Izuku as she decided one thing and asked " Well, Why don't you come in, I will show you around the shrine and you can pray too.".

Izuku perked up and thanked the women as she said " I am Shuri Himejime, I am the main shrine maiden here, U seem to be the same age as my daughter.". Izuku bowed as he said " Thanks for the invitation, I am Izuku Midoriya, I am on a trip by myself to let loose before U.A begins.". Shuri had a bit of a amazed expression as she asked " Oh? You got in U..A too?".

Izuku nodded as Shuri smiled and said " You must meet my daughter then, she also got in U.A hero course in class 1-a.". Izuku nodded at the info and said " I am in class 1-a too miss, I would love to meet your daughter.". Shuri then made a sign to Izuku to follow her as they both went into the house.

Shuri then called out " AKENO! DEAR, WE HAVE A VISITOR.". A few seconds later, a girl came down, she was a carbon copy of her mother but a bit short and has purple eyes. The girl then saw Izuku as she gave a smile as she asked " And who are you sir?". Shuri then said " Akeno, this is Izuku Midoriya, he came to visit the shrine from afar and after a short conversation, it seems that you both will be in the same year and class in U.A!".

Akeno had a surprised expression but accepted as the family showed Izuku around the shrine, Izuku spent quite a bit of time there and left after exchanging contacts with Akeno. Izuku then left the shrine and made his way to the hotel for a night rest.
