
MHA: Shadow manipulation

Well, what are you waiting for? Give it a shot. Or don't. It's your choice . . . . . AN: This is disclaimer, I don't own this series or any character in it

Apandora · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Shadow of the sports festival

In the classroom, Nemo was lying on the desk, fast asleep. She couldn't resist the allure of the comfortable desk.

Aizawa entered the room, wrapped entirely in bandages. He glanced at Nemo, who was still sleeping in class, too tired to wake her, so he turned his attention to his students.

"You're here too early,"

Everyone remarked, awakening Nemo. She began to look around, stifled a yawn, and glanced at Aizawa.

Nemo: 'Why is there a mummy here? Oh, wait, it's just Aizawa.'

Aizawa: "Your fight isn't over yet."

All the students started to get nervous, thinking they would have to fight more villains.

Aizawa: "We'll have a sports festival."

Relief washed over everyone. Amid the silence, someone spoke up.

Jiro: "Is it okay to hold a festival right after battling villains?"

Aizawa: "Yes, everything will be fine because our defense systems are stronger now. Besides, there will be many heroes at the festival watching over. So, it's safe to say it will be one of the safest places. You'll all have a chance to shine, and then some heroes might notice you."

Everyone looked excited. Nemo sat there, gazing at the desk, pondering what Aizawa had said.

Nemo: 'Everyone will have a chance to shine. Is that really good? To perform like that in front of others. There's a chance I'll embarrass myself terribly, or... do nothing again.'

As these thoughts raced through Nemo's mind, the bell rang.

Someone approached her desk. It was Mina.

Mina: "Nemo, are you okay? You haven't responded to any messages for two days. Is something wrong?"

Nemo stopped thinking, casting her thoughts somewhere into her mind, along with all her emotions.

Lately, though, she had been feeling really down. Nemo opened her mouth to say something; in her mind, thoughts swirled about what she wanted to say. They weren't pleasant things. She opened her mouth, but before she could speak, Kirishima intervened.

Kirishima: "Mina, are you coming to lunch with us?"

Mina: "Yeah, just a sec. Sorry, Nemo, but I have to go now. Later."

Nemo just lowered her head so her face couldn't be seen. In her head, things were screaming: stay with me, shut up, go away, you're not my friend anymore.

But from her mouth came something else.

Nemo: "Yeah, sure, go ahead."

Nemo: 'I need to control myself more; I almost started screaming in class. Wait, Did I just thought of screaming at Mina. And teling her: You are not my friend anymore? Do I really think that? NO, YES, I... DON'T KNOW.'

Nemo started suppressing her emotions again, but it was harder than usual.

So Nemo took out her lunch from her bag. She didn't feel like going to the cafeteria. She was completely alone in the classroom.

One thought summarized in Nemo's mind.

Nemo: 'If I win the sports festival, maybe I'll become more popular, and someone might accept me. I have to win that sports festival.'


Another hour passed, and outside Class 1A, there were many people blocking the entrance.

Nemo wanted to leave as soon as possible, but she couldn't. She stood at the entrance.

Nemo: "Excuse me, I'd like to pass."

But no one budged. Nemo didn't know what to do.

Nemo: 'If I use my Quirk on them, maybe I could pass.'

But Bakugo stood right beside her.

Bakugo: "Get out of my way, you extras."

Suddenly, a voice was heard, and a boy with indigo-colored hair came forward.

???: "I wanted to see what Class 1A is like. Are all the students from the hero section this arrogant? Did you know that people from the general section can be transferred to the hero section? I came here to declare war on you."

Bakugo started to leave, everyone parted in front of him, and Nemo just followed his shadow.

Nemo decided to text Genocid that she wouldn't be able to hang out now; she had to prepare for the festival. So she texted him and went home.

When she got home, she checked her phone, but there was no reply, which was strange because Genocid always replied within fifteen minutes.

Oh well. Nemo started training.


The next day came, and Nemo continued training. Of course, alone. The others from her class trained with someone else.

She mainly trained with her shadows, figuring out how to manipulate them further. So far, her best move was to take control and make the other person fight for her.

Nemo also worked on her physical fitness. Every morning before school, she ran around the park and the beach.

Days went by, and Nemo became more creative with her Quirk, shaping her shadow into a narrow line and pulling it around her.

Before she knew it, a week had passed, and that meant one thing: the sports festival.

Nemo checked her phone, especially for Genocid's message. But he hadn't replied.

Nemo sighed.

Nemo: "Looks like he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore."

Nemo felt somewhat strange about that. She couldn't put her finger on that feeling.

Nemo arrived at the room where her classmates were waiting.

While waiting, she witnessed the drama between Todoroki and Midoriya, with Todoroki declaring war on Midoriya.

Everyone started heading outside, where there was a large crowd in the audience.

P.Mic began welcoming everyone to the sports festival, with their teacher Aizawa beside him.

On stage, Midnight was dressed in a rather provocative costume.

Midnight: "The first one on stage will be the one who scored first in the entrance exams. Bakugo, come on up."

Bakugo walked onto the stage with his hands in his pockets and declared,

Bakugo: "I promise to be the first and kick everyone's asses. So don't get in my way you extras."

This angered the students from other classes.

Midnight: "So, what will be the first game?"

Midnight pointed to the board, where names were spinning, and one stopped. Obstacle Course. Midnight explained the rules and how it would proceed.

Nemo looked around, knowing that if she ran normally, she wouldn't be among the first. She looked for someone who could give her a ride. But before she could decide, the gate opened.

Midnight: "Start."

And so, the sports festival began.


Meanwhile, in a dimly lit bar, Tomura Shigaraki, also known as Genocid, was watching the television, where the sports festival was beginning.

Upon hearing that Nemo was from UA, he wanted to suffocate her and turn her to dust, but something inside him told him that it wasn't a good idea, and he didn't know why. He was incredibly confused; on one hand, he wanted to kill her, but on the other hand, not.

Throughout the week, he tried to push those thoughts aside, but they kept coming back to him, which was incredibly annoying, and Shigaraki was very irritated by it. When he wanted to play games. Those thoughts he wanted to go away become more strong in his head and more irritating.

He mentioned it to his Master, who told him that he had to figure it out for himself, which angered him even more. He wanted to get her out of his head, so he decided that after the festival, he would pay her a visit and then disintegrate her. Hopefully, that would rid him of these thoughts.

(End of a chapter)