
Men-beast bastard

So my idea is simple. Get Sett from LOL and slap him in to one piece. Enjoy

Gaspart · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs


The crowd went quiet and then made way for one person. People parted, trying to become part of the nearby buildings out of fear of getting in the way of one mixed-race individual. You could see the young man walking confidently from within the crowd with his arms covered in blood and a slightly beaten face. The entire scene reminded you of the Red Sea parting for Moses. The cobbled street flowed with blood behind the well-built young man. In the pool of blood, there were 5 bodies of would-be agitators of the crowd.

The mixed-race individual passed all the people leaving behind this bloody scene. He calmly picked up the shopping bag that he had previously dropped and disappeared around the corner at a slow pace. At that moment, you could hear the sigh of relief from the people who only now allowed themselves to take another breath.

Passing a few more intersections, he headed towards an unassuming building that was in a state of neglect. He opened the front door and went inside, appearing to know every inch of the house by heart.

"Mom! It's me," he shouted, taking off his shoes.

"Hi, honey. I'm in the kitchen," a woman's voice replied. He immediately headed towards the kitchen.

"I have all the ingredients you asked for," he added, placing them on the kitchen counter.

"Thanks for the shopping," his Mom replied, turning towards him. "What happened to you?!"

As soon as she saw his appearance, she left the kitchen knife and approached him with quick steps, reaching for his blood-red hands. She turned his hands over, and seeing only superficial wounds on the knuckles, she transferred her gaze to his face. Although he was a head taller than her, he put up no resistance when she started inspecting his handsome face, holding him under a vise-like grip.

Making sure that his wounds were not dangerous, her worried expression changed to a questioning one, causing shivers and significant pallor to overcome the young man.

"Settrigh, why are you all bruised?! I sent you out only for minor shopping! Why are you coming back in such a state!! I lost sight of you for just 30 minutes. Do you ever think of me? How do I feel seeing my only son coming home almost every time bruised?" her finger poked at his chest with each subsequent question, further reinforcing her words.

"Mom!! I asked you not to call me Settrigh. Call me Sett," a metal spoon appeared out of nowhere in her hand and aimed towards his head - "Aaaaaaa. Mom!" Sett grabbed his head, where he was hit by the spoon.

"Not mom me. I will call you what I named you. Settrigh!" she took a step back and crossed her arms under her breasts, tapping the rhythm of the still-held spoon in her hand - "I'm listening; what do you have in your defense?" her frozen eyes focused on her son and the ladle still posing a threat.

"I heard insults towards you," he mumbled under his breath.

"What did you say?! Speak louder!!"

"I said they were insulting you!!!" he shouted at her, still avoiding her gaze.

As a mother, she knew she should teach her son life truths and the standards she lived by. Violence is not a solution and leads to even greater violence. As a very gentle person, she always believed in this. That's why she always discussed her ex-husband's work as a warrior in the arena.

Despite her strong belief in her own opinions, she was also aware that there are moments when only a tough stance and fists can be a language understood by others. It may be a very primitive form of communication, but it's very effective, regardless of race or origin. Despite her peaceful demeanor, she is a very vengeful person. When someone crosses her invisible line, which every person possesses, her claws show no mercy. After all, she is from a proud tribe of minks who pride themselves as one of the best warriors in the world.

Looking at her son who stood up for her, she felt a warm sensation in her heart that spread and transformed into a beautiful and fierce smile on her face.

A while later, Sett sat at the table in their small cottage, sipping some tea while his mother hummed a tune in the background. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. It wasn't just his mother's behavior lately but how she'd talked to him.

"Mom," Sett said, setting down his tea cup. "Can I ask you something?"

His mother turned to him with a warm smile. "Of course, my dear. What's on your mind?"

Sett took a deep breath. "Why do you always talk about dad like that? Like he's some kind of monster?"

His mother's smile faded, replaced with a somber expression. "I'm sorry, Sett. I shouldn't have said those things."

"No, it's okay," Sett said. "I just want to understand. Why do you hate him so much?"

His mother sighed and sat down at the table across from him. "I don't hate him, Sett. I'm just...disappointed. He left us for his own selfish reasons. He abandoned us for the sake of money and power. I thought he was different and loved us, but I was wrong."

Sett felt a pang of sadness in his chest. He couldn't imagine what it must have been like for his mother, being left alone with a young child to raise.

"I just don't want you to make the same mistakes he did," she continued. "I want you to be better than him, Sett. To never abandon the people you love."

Sett nodded, understanding his mother's point of view. "I'll try, Mom. I promise."

"Good," she said, her smile returning. "And don't worry about the money. We'll figure something out. We always do."

Sett smiled back, grateful for his mother's love and support. They finished their tea and settled in for the night, both lost in their thoughts about the past and future.