
Chapter Twenty: My Prison

I stared hard at him in surprise, why would he suddenly ask me to dance?

Or was he lying when he told Princess Jaquelin that he couldn't dance?

I bit my lower lip as I thought of the possibility of us dancing.

It sounded a bit...romantic

"You're wasting my time Darla" he said and I inhaled "I accept prince Gaustin" I accepted his request and he held my hand as he slowly led me to the dancefloor.

There were murmurs and heads were turning at the sight of the prince dancing with a maiden nobody knew of and I was beginning to get nervous.

My palms were getting sweaty and I tried my best to stay focused and unaffected.

But it was proving to be difficult, especially with princess Jaquelin's spiteful gaze on me. I felt really uncomfortable and almost tripped on the prince.

I felt his grip around my waist tighten as he stared at me "Don't look at anybody else, just look at me" he instructed and I nodded.

I was gradually falling into his mesmerizing hazel-green eyes and I didn't want to stop.

We continued dancing for a while until he said "There's a man here with a black robe on. He's been watching me ever since I entered this hall, I believe he has something that'll interest me. That was why I asked you to dance, so you can serve as a form of distraction"

My breathing stopped.

I was only a distraction?!

So this dance that he just proposed, was only a farce?

I know I wasn't supposed to take it to heart, but it hurt me greatly.

I managed to keep a straight expression though and nodded instead, afraid to say a word for fear of letting my emotions betray me.

Few seconds after, he let go of my hand and bowed, before leaving me in the middle of the dance floor. I used my hands to rub my palms as I suddenly felt cold and lonely.

In order not to feel awkward, I silently moved to an extreme corner of the hall, not intending to mingle with anybody when a man I didnt recognise at first walked up to me.

I stared at him until I could finally remember him.

It was prince Eshar.

The prince of Lerwelchia, my former hometown, where I was condemned to die.

I quickly turned my back to him, fearing that he would identify me but he simply said "Good evening my lady, forgive my curiosity, but I'm afraid I have never seen you before. May I inquire as to your name and your kingdom?"

I stood still, not saying a word. What would I tell him? As I tried making up a lie in my head, I felt a domineering aura surround me and looked up to see prince Gaustin by my side "She's my personal escort. You don't need to know the rest"

I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw him by my side. I honestly had no idea what to say, but the way he said the word 'escort' made it sound like I was accompanying him for the night both at the party and in his chambers.

I cringed at that thought.

Prince Eshar chuckled "Gaustin, it's been so long! How are you faring, my friend?" He asked with a smile but prince Gaustin didn't smile back "it's nice to see you too Eshar, please excuse me" and with that, he left with me.

We went outside and got into the carriage, I assumed we were finally going home, but it would be rude of us to just leave without a word so I spoke up "My prince, if we're going home now, don't you think its proper to inform the host of our sudden exit?"

I was met with silence.

He didn't say anything and I was beginning to think maybe I spoke out of turn. I wanted to apologize when I heard him "Why did you allow Eshar talk to you?"

I blinked in confusion "My prince, you misunderstand. It was prince Eshar who came to meet me, not the other way round" I tried to explain but then, he did something unexpectedly.

He leaned in on me so close that our bodies were touching. I tried leaning back but I had already taken up all the space in the carriage.

He stared deep in my eyes

"Did you enjoy the way he was talking to you?" He asked again and I opened my mouth and closed them.

What was wrong with this man?!

He stared at me with an unfathomable emotion in his eyes. We were so close that I could feel his breath on my face and my whole body tingled.

What was he doing to me?!

Suddenly, he leaned back and used his feet to tap the floor of the carriage, signalling the coach to move.

The rest of the journey was silent and it felt really awkward. I didn't say anything for fear of aggravating him the more or incuring something I wasn't ready for.

We got back to the kingdom and he went out of the carriage first, not sparing me a glance.

I went to my room later on and switched into my nightgown. I laid the dress by the side of the bed and laid by the other side, tomorrow I would go to return it.

The next morning, I went to his room with the dress in hand but he wasn't there. When I asked Madam Anis, she said he told her he had urgent matters and wouldn't be back for a few days, though he didn't tell her what it was.

I was all alone now. With nobody to attend to and nothing to do, I just stayed in my room, or in the prince's room, cleaning and recleaning. I was starting to miss him and his frostiness. I didn't know what the feeling was, but I wasn't ready to admit it to be what I thought it was.

After a few days, he came back and summoned me to his room. I ran with glee when I heard that he was back, I was really eager to meet him but I didn't want it to show. So I composed myself when I got to his door and knocked gently. I pushed it open and entered inside when he granted me permission.

He was standing by his window and was holding a book. He looked really handsome, like a young noble scholar and my heart couldn't help but flutter at the sight of this.

Suddenly, he turned to me "Darla, we shall be going somewhere tonight" I was taken off guard. "Where are we going my prince?" I asked and he answered "The forest"

I was surprised "The forest? But why? And why at night? The forest isn't safe at night, no one is supposed to be outside the city walls" I tried protesting but he was having none of it

"I have my ways of going outside the kingdom without being noticed, so don't worry. Besides, you have me by your side, who'd dare think of harming you!" He jokingly remarked and I gulped.

This wasn't good!

Nightfall, two figures on a horse moved noiselessly through the dense forest. My heart was pounding like crazy! I had never done this before. And with a prince! I couldn't understand what was so important that we had to leave at night.

We continued going until we got to a cave far away from the kingdom and I became scared instantly "Prince Gaustin, what are we doing here?" I asked as all the hairs on my body stood. I didn't like this place at all

He gave a short chuckle "We're here for something no one has ever seen before. And you will be the first to witness it" he said and got off the horse, walking first into the cave.

I hesitated for a moment, I didn't know what was happening but for some reason, I trusted him and also got down the horse, following behind him.

The sight my eyes were greeted with inside the cave was really ugly.

There were chains hammered inside the walls of the cave and bones of animals.

On the walls, were markings like claws left by a rabid beast.

I moved back in fright "What-what is this place?!" I asked in horror but Prince Gaustin just stood there motionlessly.

His voice was almost lifeless as he spoke

"My prison"...