
Chapter Nineteen: The Ball

It was finally the D-day, the 'ball' celebration.

Turns out it was just a party to celebrate princess Jaquelin's elder brother's return from overseas and it was a 'mask party'.

Meaning, all the guests were required to wear masks, exquisite and special ones.

I inhaled when I saw the beautiful dress lying on the bed.

I was afraid to touch it, so as not to 'accidentally' ruin it.

Prince Gaustin had gotten it for me, insisting that if I was to escort him to the ball, I had to dress up. Not that I wanted to follow him anyway, I was forced to do so.

I was still contemplating on how to wear the dress when I heard a knock and went to the door. It was Madam Anis. She walked inside and exclaimed "Goodness me! Darla, why haven't you changed? It's almost time!"

Before I could answer, she dragged me "Alright, let's get to work now. We can't waste any more time"

In a few minutes, I was staring at a strange beauty in front of the mirror.

And she was staring at me back.

I touched my face "Is this me?" I asked no one in particular but Madam Anis chuckled "if I didn't know you child, I'd think you were a noble".

My hair was made in an upward braid and she had curled my side hair and allowed it dangle freely by the temples.

The dress was a beautiful black gown, with stones imbedded at the neck and waist area. It was fitted from the chest down to the waist and the rest flowed freely. It wasn't long but stopped just a little above the ground.

My shoes were the same colour with the dress and I looked stunning.

I turned to Madam Anis "Thank you so much Madam Anis" I said with a smile and she smiled back "Now hurry on! We don't want to keep the Prince waiting" she scolded me gently and I smiled as I hurried out of the room.

I got to Prince Gaustin's room and paused.

I felt very nervous and my palms were beginning to get sweaty

'Melissa what is wrong with you? Get yourself together!' I inwardly chided myself, took a deep breath and knocked.

I went inside when I heard his voice and I got frozen in my tracks.

He had completely changed!

His aura was even more over bearing and alluring and he looked like a dangerous yet interesting assassin.

His shirt was the same with the color of his hair, with gold trimmings running down the chest area.

I held my breath when he turned to me

"I'm satisfied, but you're missing one thing" he said and I furrowed my brows in confusion.

What was I missing?

He advanced towards me and brought out a black mask.

I sucked in breath when I saw it.

It looked really beautiful and he helped me put it on my face.

It was a perfect fit.

"Now, no one will be able to recognise you" he said and I nodded

"Prince Gaustin, I have never been to a party before. I'm afraid I'm ignorant of what to do" I suddenly voiced my concerns and he smirked

"Don't worry about it Darla, just stay by my side" he whispered to my ear gently and I shivered. He left me and went to the door.

"It's time to leave" he announced and I followed behind him obediently. This party was going to be a party to remember...

We got to the ball and my mouth went agape in amazement.

The party was filled to the brim with Royals and nobles alike. I felt intimidated when I saw them and I gripped the sides of my dress in nervousness.

Prince Gaustin seemed to notice this and he held my hand "Be calm" he said to me in a hushed manner and I steadied my breathing before I slowly released my grip on the dress.

We walked forward and people came to greet him, all the while stealing one or two glances at me. I knew they wanted to ask who I was but no one had the nerve to.

That is, until I heard a voice "Gaustin my friend! It has been a long time" I looked over and saw the source of the voice to be a really handsome man with blonde hair coming towards us. I assumed him to be one of princess Jaquelin's brothers as they were the only Royals I had seen with blonde hair.

When he got to where we were, he opened his arms for a hug but Prince Gaustin didn't move.

It felt awkward but the other prince didn't even feel embarrassed "Ah! Still not a hugger. I'm not sad about that" he said and that was when he noticed me "And who is this great beauty by your side tonight?" He charmingly asked and I blushed.

The attention was getting too much.

Prince Gaustin pulled my hand "No one, and if you don't mind Jaques, I'll get going now" he replied and dragged me along with him.

I just followed behind him, not saying a word.

Jaques and Jaquelin.

Turned out they were twins. No wonder I felt he looked so familiar.

Suddenly, there was silence as Princess Jaquelin clanked a spoon on her glass "Excuse me everyone, but we have now reached the purpose of this ball. Presenting to you my elder brother, the crown prince of Fortis, Prince William!" She announced and the crowd broke out into an applause as a handsome man walked down the stairs.

He gave Princess Jaquelin a peck on her cheek and bowed to the crowd "Thank you all for bringing out time out of your busy schedules to attend my welcome party, courtesy of my loving sister" he joked and everyone chuckled

"Please, enjoy yourselves. Let the party continue" he said and everyone gave a short clap before the princess stepped onto the stage again.

But this time, what she said made me raise my brows in surprise "I would like to invite the prince of Dorma, Prince Gaustin, to have the opening dance with me" she requested shyly.

My eyes moved up to the man beside me as everyone made way for him to go forward.

But he wasn't moving "I reject your invite" he said in a quiet but domineering voice and chatters broke out amongst the crowd.

Beads of sweat ran down my back.

Couldn't he be at least considerate and accept her offer, even if he didn't like her?!

"I'm sorry princess, don't take it the wrong way, but I don't dance" he said again and I could see the princess's face flush red with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry for not considering the prince's condition, please forgive me for my ignorance" she apologised as a way to lighten the situation and it worked. Her twin walked up to her, offering to dance with her instead and she agreed and the party went on like nothing happened.

Prince Gaustin then held my hand and led me outside into the terrace. There was nobody there "I know you were feeling suffocated inside there, that's why I brought you outside here" he informed me and I mouthed a silent 'thank you' as I turned to look at the stars.

I smiled to myself as memories of me and Dorothy came flooding back and I couldn't help a single tear that ran down my cheek. I missed her and wanted her company. As the tear ran down, I felt a hand on my face and opened my eyes to see the prince cleaning my tear

"Why the tear? Are you really that intimidated?" He asked and I stuttered "N-no my prince. I just miss my friend back home" he smirked "So these overstuffed Royals don't have any effect on you?" He asked again and I sniffed and cleared my throat, puffing my chest out "I'm fine, I can take it" I assured him, but it was more like an assurance to myself.

"In that case, have a dance with me" I heard and I turned to look at his smirking face in shock.

Didn't this man just say that he couldn't dance??.....