
Chapter Twenty-One: Viera

I was beyond confused.

What did he mean his prison?

That place looked like a place for animals, no!


I took a few steps backwards "What do you mean your prison? And why are we even here?" I asked again and he sighed and moved towards the chain, inspecting them

"Darla, it's going to be a full moon tonight, do you know what that means?"

He asked and I blinked "What does that have to do with you and this?" I asked back and he stood up, facing me

"Do you believe in werewolves?"

I wanted to laugh

"Werewolves are just a myth, they aren't real" I said but he just smiled "And yet, here we are" he simply said and moved back to inspecting the chains.

I stood still, registering the information he just gave.

Full moon, chains in a cave, claw marks on the walls, his prison.

Then, it clicked!

I stared at him in horror with big eyes "Oh my goddess! You're a werewolf!" I exclaimed and he laughed

"Took you long enough"