
Chapter Six: Hearing II

The king turned to princess Aelfwer and said to her "Will the plaintiff now make her claim?"

She nodded her head and slowly stood up, all the while holding her bandaged arm

"It was nighttime. I was in my room with the other maids when I felt a craving for apple slices and I politely asked her to get me some from the kitchen. But she refused to go and even blatantly told me to my face that I could go get it myself " she said and sobbed lightly.

The whole crowd went wild with 'oohs' and 'aahs' as the murmurs started again.

The king had to beat his gravel in order to maintain peace "Continue " he said to the princess and she wiped her fake tears before she continued

"Even at that, I still 'pleaded' with her to get me the apple slices. I am a princess you see, but, I still respect everyone as I believe in equality " my heart nearly froze when I heard that.



I was pretty sure those words did not exist in her dictionary.

"She eventually agreed to go and by the time she got back, I had already sent the rest of my maids out because I needed privacy. But what I didn't know was that, that was going to be the biggest mistake of my life"

she stopped for a moment and broke down into little sobs as her mother held and consoled her

"While I was busy with the apple slices, I saw her steal into my wardrobe and take the red satin I wore this morning. And when I tried confronting her, she-she- raised the knife on me. I didn't even know she had it on her. It was all so fast that before I knew it, I was bleeding profusely and I had to call for help. Oh! I can't say anymore, the memory of it is traumatizing enough!" She cried out loud and held her mother tightly.

I just stared at her, bewildered.

She really needed to leave royalty and start an acting career.

"And what does the accused have to say for herself?" I heard the king and turned to him "All this isn't true my king. And I brought that knife because the Princess asked me to! I wouldn't dare steal from the princess because I know the consequences of doing so. I would never even think of harming a hair on her head!"

I tried defending myself but she cut in with a broken voice "But you did!"

The king turned to her "No more Aelfwer!" He warned again and she sobbed. "Do we have any witnesses?" He asked and the queen looked up at him "yes, my king" she replied and he motioned for the guards to call them in.

Merian came in first "Is it true you served the princess's orders to this maid?" The king asked whilst pointing at me and she answered "Yes, my king" He asked again "And what exactly were those orders?" She paused for a moment "Two apples neatly sliced into heart shapes, my king" I turned to her, expecting her to say more but it seemed like she was finished

"Did the princess order the knife along with the apple slices?" The king asked yet again and there was another pause

"No you majesty, in fact, I have no idea where the child got the knife from" she replied and I gasped in shock

"Merian! What do you mean?! Why are you talking like this?! The princess did order the knife along with the dish! Just tell them that!" I screamed at her and the king turned to me "Not another word!" He said firmly and I shut up.

Merian was led out and next, was Freya.

I didn't know her much, but I knew her well enough to call her my friend "Did you witness the misbehavior from this maid towards the princess?" The king asked and I turned to her, waiting in anticipation for her answer

"Yes, your majesty, she was really rude and arrogant towards the princess" my eyes widened when I heard that and my spirit almost left my body.

Why was everybody testifying against me?!