
Chapter Five: Hearing I

I brought my knees closer to my chest as I hugged them.

The cell I was in was neat but it stank of dirt and other unknown substance my nose had never smelled before.

I was so angry and confused.

What did i do to the princess to make her accuse me of a lie? How could she even do that?

I had tried talking to the guards, trying to prove my innocence but they didn't listen and I couldn't blame them.

Loyalty was above everything.

I had been in the cell for two days without any visitors but I was given food to eat.

I heard the big wooden door opened and someone I couldn't see their face entered. They moved straight to me and uncovered the hoodie.

It was Dorothy!

"Dorothy! What in the name of Bowena are you doing here!?" I half yelled as she hurriedly bent down to my level "Oh! Lissa, aren't you happy to see me? I couldn't bear the thought of you in a cell, all by yourself so I had to come" she said and I frowned "You want to share the cell with me?" I asked in confusion and she looked at me with distaste

"Ew! No! I just came to spend the afternoon " she replied and I sighed. This girl can be so dramatic at times.

She held my hand and caressed it lovingly "How did you even get in here?" I asked "I'm friends with everybody, remember? The guards are my friends too so they had to let me in. I did a little bit of cajoling although. I had to make Lelwerchian pie, although it's not as good as the one we both make" she replied, smiling and I sighed heavily "Your hearing is tomorrow" she suddenly said and I stared at her with wide eyes "They're giving me a hearing?" I asked, surprised and she nodded

"Yes, apparently, the king doesn't quite believe his daughter so he agreed to give you a hearing. I think that's why the guards haven't beaten you yet" she said again and I stood up from the ground "It's not the matter of the hearing Dorothy. The problem is 'Will I be heard?'" I said and her face fell.

"I could be killed!"


I inhaled heavily as the guards led me to the courtroom where my hearing would be held.

The day was finally here.

There were no guards or maids around as everybody was mandated to be at the courtroom.

My hands were still fastened with tight ropes and my hair was a mess. They tried to wash me but I refused, only changing into new clothes.

I couldn't let them see my red hair or they'd tag me a witch and then, my situation might even Increase.

We got to the room and the guards used their staffs to tap the ground three times before the doors opened and we stepped inside.

I was a bit blinded by the light as the cell I was in had very little light seeping through it.

They led me to the 'accused box' and unfastened the ropes. I looked up to see the king staring down at me with emotionless eyes and I gulped. I turned round and was surprised to see the queen holding her precious daughter by her side.

Perhaps she 'flew' back here when she heard of her daughter almost getting 'murdered'. I heard murmurs from the crowd and then a loud banging sound


It was the king.

"Let the hearing of Melissa Adreniya begin!"

He said and I could feel my heart do back flips in my chest. "Miss Melissa Adreniya, you stand accused on the charge of attempted murder by the plaintiff, princess Aelfwer Nosatre of Lerwelchia, how do you plead?" He asked and I replied with a straight face

"Not guilty "

"You cheap, envy-ridden liar!" The princess yelled and the king beat his gravel again "Order in the court!" He cautioned the princess and she bowed her head "Sorry my King "

My heart began beating erratically as sweat cascaded down my back and I prayed within me

'Sweet goddess Bowena help me!'