
Chapter Seven: Hearing III

I couldn't believe my ears.

How could Freya do this to me?!

And she didn't even look my way once.

The rest of the witnesses that came all testified against me, stating the same story that I was improper to the princess.

I almost broke down in the box. Nobody wanted to help me.

And even though I was angry, thinking back now, I don't really blame them.

Loyalty above everything was what mattered and the princess being who she was, must have threatened them or their families before they agreed to this.

I had given up all hope when Dorothy was called in to testify.

She stepped into the witness box and stared at me for a brief moment before turning to face the king "Miss Dorothy Iyerna, tell us what happened, was Miss Melissa Adreniya behaving abnormal towards the princess?" He asked the same old question and I Drew in my breath.

I couldn't care less if Dorothy testified against me too, I would understand the situation.

A brief moment of silence "Melissa never behaved abnormal in any way towards the princess. In fact, she was even assaulted by Princess Aelfwer"

I was beyond the moon when I heard her.

My best friend didn't leave my side no matter what. I smiled happily at her as tears rolled down my cheeks and I used the back of my hand to clean them.

The crowd at the court went wild with murmurs and I noticed the princess trying so hard to speak.

The king beat his gravel again and silence returned to the court. He turned to the princess and asked her to refute the claim. She stood up

"It is true that I hit her. But only as a form of correction. I was discussing with our Royal Butler and trying to make some 'suggestions' , when I noticed her frowning at me and looking at me in disgust. I called her attention to it but she spoke rudely to me and so, I had to hit her. Did I do anything wrong in trying to correct a mistake?" She said feebly as the tears rolled down her eyes once more and she sniffled.

What a drama queen!

I stared blankly at the princess as her whimpers got louder.

I couldn't believe that everyone was falling for this act and I felt something boil inside of me.

Just then, the queen stood up "My king, this lowly servant has done nothing but brought mockery and ridicule to the royal family and to the noble court. Why do we still sit here, debating on a matter that deserves no consideration at all? I propose we just sentence her immediately as any objection she raises is already null seeing as she's just a pathetic and arrogant maid. That way, we can set an example to the other servants and eradicate any thoughts of rebellion in their heads. Show them that you are still on the throne and your word is law" she concluded, still standing and staring at the king as though she was mind-controlling him.

The whole court went silent for a moment as the king deliberated on his next words.

After a few minutes, he cleared his throat and finally spoke "I have made a decision" the silence in the court was so still, you could hear a pin drop.

"For theft and attempted murder on Princess Aelfwer, a royal member of Lelwerchia, I sentence Melissa Adreniya to death. She is to die by hanging three days from now. That is my judgement " he beat his gravel and the silence was broken by murmurs from the court.

I couldn't hear anything anymore, only a sharp ringing sound that continued ringing in my ear.

I felt a lump in my throat as I tried to cry but I couldn't.

Instead, I just gasped repeatedly. My chest suddenly felt hot and I felt like the whole world had collapsed on me.

I turned slowly to where Dorothy stood and I could see her countenance.

Her hands were on her mouth as she tried to muffle her cries. Her cheeks were wet with tears and I felt something stir inside of me.

Something I had never felt before, something I couldn't define.

I gathered myself and with the little strength I could muster, yelled

"I wish to speak"

And the court went silent....