
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Films
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158 Chs

Ch. 95 - Unexpected Change

"You've been walking back and forth, Odin. What's the problem?"

Back in Asgard, Inside Odin's room. Frigga called out to Odin with worry as she noticed that he's been walking back and forth for almost 5 hours and he's always doing this everyday.

"It's nothing, my dear. Just a little problem." Odin said to her, however, his pacing didn't stop once.

"It's Hela isn't it? She has escaped?" Frigga calmly revealed, much to Odin's shock.

"How did you know?" Odin asked.

"I'm your wife, Odin. I could read all your worries like an open book." Frigga smiled and said, making Odin sigh.

"You're right. Hela has escaped. I already have Heimdall look for her throughout the entire nine realms." Odin then sat on the bed and placed his hand on his chin.

"You don't have about her, If Hela has indeed escaped, then her first location would be Asgard, she doesn't have the patience to drag out her revenge." Frigga also sat on the bed and patted Odin's back before caressing his cheek, letting his one eye to look at her.

"Nothing bad will happen, okay? I will make sure that Hela won't do any harm to our family nor Asgard." Frigga smiled and said, as Odin nodded his head and sighs. Only at this moment that he shows his vulnerability, but only to his wife. On the outside, he's a majestic king that millions of beings look up to.

After a few seconds of deep thinking, Odin finally made a decision.

"I will declare Thor as the King of Asgard tomorrow. In times of crisis, this is the best time for Thor to prove himself as a worthy King." Odin said confidently as he stood up and walked outside the room.

As he walked through the halls, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and purpose. In his eyes, Thor should be worthy by now. He has already proven himself with his strength, now he only needs to prove himself if he has the wisdom and intelligence as a King.

Only then, he would be the new King of Asgard.


"Have you heard? King Odin will make the crown prince Thor, the new King of Asgard tomorrow! I can't wait for the feast!"

"The Crown Prince Thor? Isn't it a bit early for him to take the throne?"

"Are you saying that King Odin is making a bad decision?!"

"N-no, I was just joking."

As the word spread throughout Asgard, Thor was drinking himself almost to death as he was very happy and excited when his father suddenly announced that he will be the next king of Asgard by tomorrow.

Beaming with happiness, he immediately started drinking and partying with the warriors three and Sif.


As Thor was on his 57th barrel of booze, he didn't notice the look that Loki was giving him from behind.

His eyes are full of cunningness, and yet none of them noticed this as they were either drunk or busy having fun.


"Prince Thor!" As the announcement was made, Thor walked across the halls, holding his mighty Mjolnir as he dons his shiny and catchy armor. The crowd cheers as Thor walked with confidence.

"Hahaha!" Thor was full of smiles and excitement as he waved at his familiar friends and fellow booze drunkards.

"Thor." Odin whispered to him, as Thor was prolonging this ceremony.

Thor nodded at his father before walking in front of Odin and kneeled.

Sitting atop his throne, Odin was clad in full ceremonial armor. On his hand is the Gungnir which seemed to be exuding a less power than usual, which only he and Frigga noticed.

Odin then stood up and slammed the bottom of the Gungnir on the ground, turning the cheering crowd, silent.

"Today, we have gathered to honor Prince Thor, as the new King of Asgard!" Odin yelled in enthusiasm, making the quiet crowd make noise once more.


"King Thor!"

"Please impregnate me, my King!"

Thor was happy by the cheers of his fellow Asgardians, though he felt weird when he heard someone suddenly wanted him to impregnate her, which isn't a problem to him as he had slept with many women and miraculously, none of them got pregnant. Now, he's not the one to refuse a challenge, especially to bed, but the problem is that this woman doesn't look like someone that is blessed by the gods.

"Guards! Kick her please!" One of the female nobles, who has been a fan of Thor ever since she was little was disgusted by this, so she immediately told her guards to kick the woman out.

And so, the cheering resumed and just when Odin was about to hand over the Gungnir, he suddenly sensed a breach in the treasury room and when he used his all-seeing eye to peek, he immediately shouted.

"Frost Giants!" Luckily, the Destroyer was assigned to guard the treasury room, so he immediately gave the command to kill the 2 Frost Giants that had dared to steal the casket of winters.


Without even lasting a second, both the Frost Giants were killed in cold blood.

When Thor learned of this, it made him angry and wanted to lead the Asgard troops to invade the Jotunheim for revenge. However, Odin told him that he's not thinking as a King, but as a warrior, which is something that he shouldn't do.

This causes the father and son to fight with each other which leads to Thor, invading the Jotunheim alone with Sif and the Warriors three while Loki hesitantly joins after a few minutes.

As Thor and the rest wrecked havoc on Jotunheim, Odin has noticed this and can't help but sigh in disappointment.

"I thought he was ready. I was too naive." Frigga then came to him and patted his back slightly.

"He's still learning. He'll learn his lesson someday. It just takes time."

"Time is something that we don't have. I don't know what happened to Hela and why she's still missing until now, but Ragnarok will still befall on Asgard. I don't want Asgard to fall under me or Thor's rule." Odin said sadly. No matter how powerful he is, he is still powerless when it comes to the inevitable destiny.

And his destiny is to die peacefully, allowing Thor to take over his throne as planned. But from what he can see, Thor is going against all of his expectations.

He doesn't have the wisdom of a wise king! He's becoming more and more of a brute instead of a king.

"Where have I failed?" Odin scratched his beard and said to himself as he noticed that Thor and his friends are slowly losing the fight and any moment now, they would be killed.


After coming to Thor's rescue, the father and son once again had another set of bickering until it came to the point that Thor called his own father a fool. Which not only hurts Odin's pride, but also his feelings as a father. No father could accept being called a fool by his own son.

Seeing no improvement on Thor, Odin sighed regretfully before deciding to banish him to Midgard, in order for him to learn his lesson there.

As Thor fell on Midgard, Odin whispered to the Mjolnir.

"Whoever is worthy to hold this hammer. Shall possess the power of Thor." As soon as the Mjolnir's runes glowed, Odin threw the hammer to the Bifrost, hoping that Thor would learn his lesson and become more wise as soon as he comes back.


"Heimdall! Open the Bifrost!" Thor was yelling at the skies when he noticed that he was in an unknown place.

"Heimdall!" Thor kept shouting for a few more hours and when he was already exhausted, Thor stopped and noticed that he seemed to be weaker than usual.

"What's going on?" Thor looked at his own hands, as if not recognizing the weak strength that he was feeling.


Meanwhile, back in the Sanctuary, Doflamingo received a call from Matilda.

"What's up?" Doflamingo answered while leaning on the chair.

"Doffy, do you remember when you told me to watch out for any unusual energy readings on New Mexico or something?"

After trying to recall for a few seconds, Doflamingo finally remembered that he told Matilda to keep a watch on New Mexico as he knew that Thor would be banished in that place around 2011 or something.

"Yeah, why?"

"I think it happened. I thought you said that it would happen in 2011 but It's not even 2011 yet and the unusual energy readings that you told me appeared."

As soon as Matilda said that, Doflamingo immediately pushed hinself out of the chair.

"What? Are you sure? Did you double check?" Doflamingo asked.

"Of course. Even Alice double checked and the results came out the same." Matilda said, as Doflamingo nodded his head.

Although it came shocking to him, this also proved something to Doflamingo. Something that he has been wanting to prove all of his life in the universe.

The butterfly effect.

Doflamingo thought that the butterfly effect that he would cause will only happen on Earth as he barely even went outside of Earth.

"Did Odin banish Thor? Or maybe they're just searching for Hela?" Doflamingo said to himself as he started making scenarios on his head that would fit the reason on why the Thor plot arrived too early.

"Either Odin sent a search team to look for Hela or Hela's escapade and my involvement has caused him to speed up Thor's ceremony." Doflamingo said to himself as he was already wearing his usual Joker suit.

"I'll see it for myself." Doflamingo said to himself as he opened a portal that led to New Mexico and jumped in.

Not gonna lie, he's quite excited on meeting Thor. After all, this opens up quite a lot of opportunities for him and no matter what, he must squeeze every opportunity.


You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.